jimmy has a pupper

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i needed more animal content yk


not many know this but jimmy has a dog. he had gotten it from the pound around a year or so ago and has been doing his best to raise it. when he had gone to the pund, he origionally intended to adopt another animal, but when he saw the dog was to be put down in a few days, he chose to take it instead. 

"hi boy, i will make sure you live a good life from now on" were the first words jimmy ever spoke to the dog. 

jimmy remembers the walk home. it was a bit difficult as the dog wouldn't behave, but he was able to make it back to his house without either of them sustaining any form of injuries. he didn't have any proper stuff to care for the dog but it was already late so he would have to get them tommorow. so instead, he used some old blankets and a pillow to creat a bed for the dog in the living room. he also provided water and some left-overs for the dog to munch on.

jimmy looked at the dog as he drank some water. he noticed some scars and patches of missing fur on certain parts of its body. he felt a tug at his heart, the dog didn't deserve what had happend to him.

"hey, i think imma name you karma" he didn't know why, but karma somehow fitted the dog. 

now jimmy knew he wasn't going to have an easy time with karma. karma was an australian sheppard, two years ago, he was attacked by a much bigger dog and suffered some major injuries. the previous owners had dumped him off at the pound "he is to ugly for us now" the claimed as they pushed the karma away from them. karma didn't have a good time in the pound either, with all the other dogs, he was extremly stressed, scared and overwhelmed.

for two years straight no one had adopted karma. his health kept deteriorating and he was extremly hostile and agrressive to other dogs. because of the incedent, karma had become reactive, and he didn't do well with all the other dogs around him. because of his conditon, karma was going to be put down, but luckily jimmy had adopted him just in tome. he had saved karma and he was now going to get the proper life he deserved.


By definition, a "reactive" dog is one that OVERREACTS. The most common display of canine reactivity is excessive barking, growling, lunging and leash-pulling behavior. Dogs may be overreactive to other dogs, people, animals, or movement and noises, or a combination of any of these.

Dogs that are reactive overreact to certain stimuli or situations. Genetics, lack of socialization, insufficient training to learn self-control, a frightening experience, or a combination of these can cause reactivity, and fear is typically the driving force.

alright so karma is reactive and yes i yoinked the definition of google. karma was attacked by a dog and that was a frightning experience for him causing him to be this way.

though, a reactive dog can be helped. they will undergo training to help in easing them back into a certain setting and soon enough they will be a lot more comforatable doing certain things than they were before.

now, please do not get reactive and agrresive mixed up. yes reactive dogs do show sign of agrression but overall the two are completly different., reactive meaning what you read above and agressive being

Aggression is hostile, injurious, or destructive behavior toward an individual, whether human or another animal. It's important to determine the cause of aggression to deal appropriately with the issue at hand. Aggression in dogs can be due to guarding territory, resources, or a family member; fear; frustration; prey drive; or pain.

this is karma btw

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this is karma btw

anyways, this pained me to write, there will be happy chapters next tho

(ik this was supposed to be on saturday but um im posting todsy instead)

comming we have

adventures of wolf and liv (monday)

gasp! incorrect quotes is back!!! (tuesday)

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