Information (Chapter 1)

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This is some information you'll need to know before the story. This is a boy x boy story. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave. I'm not sure yet but maybe I'll include smut? I don't know. This will contain spoilers I guess so don't read if you haven't watched the movie yet or do but you've been warned. Also in this story, Neteyam will have 5 fingers like Lo'ak. Their tails are also more sensitive that the water navi tails. Just keep that in mind for the story later on. This is also my first story so please excuse any mistakes. Anyways onto the story!


Third Pov:

"We can not leave our home!" Neytiri yelled at Jake. This is all the kids have ever known!" "I know, but we have to leave for the kid's sake" Jake sighed. "This is all your fault idiot" Neteyam smacked Lo'ak on the head. "Ow!" Lo'ak rubbed his head. "If you had stayed put mom and father wouldn't be arguing" Kiri sighed, "maybe this is for the better Neteyam" "I hope...."

Neteyam pov:

After a little more arguing mother and father decided to leave. We packed our stuff and prepared for a long flight ahead of us. 

"Are we there yet?" Tuk said for the millionth time already. No one answered her. It went on like that until she finally gave up. I was starting to feel tired and my eyes were getting droopy. But then Tuk said something that made my eyes snap open. "Is that it?" I saw Tuk point to an Island. It was beautiful. Rocks were separating the reef and the ocean. There were pools of water where the tribe people were catching fish. My father let out a cry trying to signal we mean no harm. The tribe let out a warning cry in return. As we land and get off our ikrans, I take note of how they look. They have bigger arms and broader shoulders. Their tails were also thicker. Probably to help them swim better.

I noticed a boy push his way through the crowd. He had a mature face but he looked around my age. He was just taller. Then I noticed his beautiful eyes. They looked like the ocean.  Right as I was observing him we made eye contact. I turned a darker blue and did the I see you sign but he didn't do it in return. Then a boy came from behind him.

"Look at their tails they're so weird," he said while grabbing my tail. I narrowed my eyes at him trying not to get mad and bare my fangs. The boy I had been staring at earlier chimed in. "How are they supposed to swim with those?" They both snickered. Then a pretty girl came out of the water. "Stop it Rotxo, Aonung" she said while smacking their heads.

So that's his name. I turned to see Lo'ak staring at the girl and turn a dark blue. Someone has a crush already. I snicker at him. I then pay attention to what is happening in front of me. Tonowari, the tribe leader, was talking to my father. The Ronal came out. She grabbed mines and Lo'ak's hands and raised them.

"These children have demon blood in them!" She yelled sinking her nails into my skin. It hurts. She finally let go and I immediately caressed my skin.

"Look, look! I was once a sky people but I have changed, we can change!" My father said showing his five fingers. "Please I just want a safe place for my family"

Tonowari looked at his wife. She sighed and nodded. He turned to look at us, "The sully family will stay with us, you must treat them as newborns so that they can adapt to our ways and will not suffer from being useless" he said.

Lo'ak scoffed but I quickly shoved him. Tonowari turned to look at the girl and boy. "Aonung, Tsireya you will teach them our ways" "but father" "you will teach them and that is final," he said and walked away.

Tsireya showed us the village and finally where we would live. We agreed to meet at the reef tomorrow for lessons. "See you tomorrow," Lo'ak said waving to the pretty water Navi girl.

"See you tomorrow!" I mimic Lo'ak in a girly voice. "Oh shut up," he said turning a darker blue. I just smiled at him.

"Rest up kids we have to do our best to adapt and fit in," father told us. We all nodded and headed for bed. Wondering what lies in store for us.

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