Chapter 7

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Aonung pov

After the Sully's father broke us up I separated myself from the others.

I remember the face neteyam gave me when he questioned me.

He looked really hurt. I didn't mean to make fun of them I just kinda got dragged into it.

No it's still no excuse. But why is it hurting me really bad? (Cause you love him hun >0<)

Im walk along the beach when I see my sweetheart climbing the tree roots.

I decided to follow him. That's not creepy, right?

I see him lay down in an opening so i kneel by some leaves big enough to cover me up.

I observe him for a while. He looks so beautiful and he isn't even doing nothing.

He turns to his side and his tail wraps around him. Dear Eywa what I would do to have that tail wrap around me.

I'm about to leave when I hear him groan and then say, "Why do I like that boy so much?"

It makes me stop causing the leaves to rustle.

"Who's there?!" He yells. He asks again this time letting a hiss out.

I decided to come out (lol)

"Alright sweetheart don't kill me" I say with a smirk on my face.

He puts his knife down.

"What are you doing here, Aonung?" He questions me.

Well I can't tell him I followed him so I say "looking for weaving material"

"Weaving material?" He asks with a questioning look on his face.

"What? I can weave too"

He stays silent and looks me in the eyes.

"Why do you call us freaks?"

I'm stunned by the question.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I get caught in things and people's expectations make me do things that may not always be nice" I say looking down in regret

I really didn't meet to hurt him. I step close and grab his hand. It's tiny compared to mine.

He looks at my hand then at me.

"What are you doing?" He says

"Look who your hand is smaller than mine"

"No duh your big and buff"

I liked that he thinks I look that way. I let go of his hand.

"We should probably get back to the village" he says turning away.

" Alright "

Neteyam pov

Omg. Omg. Omg. Why he grab my hand like that. My heart is beating so fast.

Big and buff? Why did I tell him that. Idiot. I wanna die right now.

Oh Dear Eywa, that man is killing me.
I think to myself.

We head back to the Metkayina homes and part ways.

When it's time to sleep, I find myself thinking about him again.

Well I get to see him tomorrow.

I feel like this chapter is shorter, but idk maybe it's just me?

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