Chapter 8

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3rd pov
Morning has come the sullys are now learn how to sign (the underwater language thing)

Neteyam pov

"Come on!!" Tuk says pulling me towards the beach where the others are already waiting.

"Mornin" I say to others as I sit down with tuk.

I look up and notice Aonung is gone. Kiri was the one to voice my thoughts.

"Hey where's Aonung?"

"I'm not sure he said he was coming," tsireya said.

She looked at me.

"Can you go find him please"

I nodded and got up. I decided to look around his home.

As I got closer I heard voices talking, so I crouched down behind the Metkayina and listened quietly.

"I really like you Aonung!"

"I'm sorry I have someone I like and I really need to go I'm late for something"

Then Aonung came running toward my direction. Oh shit. I quickly got up and tried to act like I didn't hear their conversation.

"Oh hey sweetheart," he said with a smile. Dear Eywa the things he did to me.

"Hey nung, everyone's looking for you" I say turning a darker blue.

He looked at me like he was mesmerized then snapped out of it.

"Ah yes! Sorry I had to take care of something first," he said.

I just nodded and walked back to where the others were.

We started on our lessons and tuk decided to go with kiri so it was just me and Aonung.

"This means sea and this means sky," Aonung said while signing.

I tried to copy him but I did it wrong cause soon he was laughing.

"What did I sign?" I asked a bit embarrassed.

"Moon is lovely"


We continued to learn how to sign and eventually lunch time came around.

"Where are you guys going?" Rotxo asked.

"To eat?" Lo'ak answered.

"We hunt what we eat, come on!"

As I started to get on my ilu, Aonung gets my attention.

"Race you to the reefs?" he says with a smirk on his face.

Okay now, I can't turn him down, cocky bastard. I smirk back.

"Loser does whatever winner wants?"


Then he takes off.

"Wait that doesn't count!" I yell as I go after him.

I finally catch up to him. So of course he won.

"What's your wish then?" I say groaning.

"You'll have to do my bidding till we get back" he says smirking.

"Ugh fine, but you cheated"

"Hmm whatever you say sweetheart" he says as he got closer to my ilu.

"Or I could just have you kiss me too"

I blushed a dark blue.

"Uh i-I'm," I stuttered.

"That's what I thought," he says getting off his ilu and walking toward the reefs.

Ugh! Dear Eywa this man. I swear. I clear my throat and get off my ilu.

We start hunting for fish and tuk is doing a better job than me again.

"Teyam I got another one!" Tuk says as she hands me it.

"Gimme me a sec~"

I go to put the fish in a bag on my ilu. Aonung comes my direction, but he does so quickly scaring the ilu.

"Wait nung!?" I say but it's too late. The ilu swims off making me fall and land on Aonung.


"Sorry" I say.

Aonung pov

I was heading over to neteyam to ask him something when his ilu accidentally got scared and swam away.

He slipped and fell on top of me.

"Owwww" I whine and neteyam apologizes.

I grab onto his waist subconsciously. That's when I realizes he straddling me.

I decided to make fun of him and grab a handful of his ass.

"Hnnng~," he let's out.

Fuck. I press his ass down on my d!ck.

"Trying to ride me already?" I say with a smirk on my face.

He looks at me with a lustful face. Then he leans in closer.


Fuuuck. I'm about to say something else when tsireya lets out a cry.

My sweetheart immediately gets off and runs towards tsireya

I get up too and head over there.

"What happened?" Neteyam asks.

"Lo'ak he's gone past the reefs!"

"How did that happened?" I chimed in.

"Some water navis took him there! We have to go tell the others come on!"

After some commotion and drama Lo'ak was found and safe. The water Navis that took him were punished.

Everything was fine.

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