Chapter 15

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Neteyam's pov

Mom and dad have sent me out to collect decorations for my birthday bouquet. So I'm currently picking out some flowers.

I hear rustling behind me and grab my knife from my side pocket on high alert.

"Who's there?" I yell.

"It's just me don't freak out sweetheart" the voice I now recognize as Aonung says.

"You scared me there" I say letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I thought I picked out some flowers for you" he says handing me a small bouquet of flowers. "Pretty flowers for a pretty boy"

I blush at him calling me pretty. "Thanks" I mumble.

"So do you know what your wish is?" He asks me.

"Yea I do but I can't tell you~"

"Why not?"

"Birthday wish rules, plus if I tell you it won't come true"

"Alright.. but I wanna know after it comes true then"

I just nod at him and continue picking out more flowers with Aonung before we headed back.

Mom and dad immediately sent me off, since it was my birthday tomorrow they didn't want me to do anything.

Time skip to the next day~

I wake up to Aonung standing out side my hut (like thing). "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing your parents told me to come get you sweetheart" he says in a deeper voice than usual sending shivers down my spine.

Oh Ewya the things I would do to this man if only he would let me.

"Okay let's go" I say about to walk out the hut when he stops me.

"Nope, can't let you see where we're going" he grabs a piece of cloth and ties it to cover my eyes.

"Aonuuung" I say pouting.

"Noo I'm following orders" he says and I can almost feel like he's smirking.

After a few minutes walking he stops me. "Alright, we're here" he says taking off the blindfold.

I finally see were we are at. It's a clearing in the woods it's decorated with flowers all over it and the sun shining through the treetops makes it look gorgeous.

"Oh dear Eywa, it's beautiful" I say.

"Come on" Aonung says grabbing my hand and dragging me.

Another time skip cause your author is running out of ideas...

The sun is setting painting a Beautiful purple blue in the sky.

"Hey, so how you feeling?" Aonung asks.

"Happy, I love this so much" I point to all the dancing, talking, playing going around.

I think for a moment. "Here come with me" I say pulling Aonung with me.

"Where we going?"

"Just trust me" i smile at him.

He just nods and continues to walk after me.

We finally make it to the tree of souls. I look back to see aonung astonished. I giggle. "It's beautiful right?"

"It is"

"This is where our ancestors lie"

"Oh so it's kinda like our cove of our ancestors"


After a few moments of comfortable silence and the two navis just enjoying the view Aonung speaks up.

"Neteyam I've been meaning to tell you something"

I turn over to look at Aonung. "What is it?" I say tilting my head in curiosity.

"Well I thought you should be the first person to know but I finally found the one I want to be with forever"

I feel my heart shatter. Oh shit. Don't cry, don't cry, please don't cry.

"That's awesome who is it?" I ask trying not to let my voice break.

"Well I haven't exactly asked them yet, but I really do hope they will say yes"

I take a deep breath, "I'm sure they'll say yes" I turn my head to hid a tear that has fallen down my cheek.

Then Aonung turns my head and before I can process what's happening I feel something warm on my lips.

Oh dear Eywa! He's kissing me! Me! I kiss back and we break the kiss.

"You didn't even let me finish" he grabs my hands, "Neteyam, will you be mine forever?"

I could literally faint on the spot. "Yes! Yes" I say in excitement.

"Wait, since when have you liked me?"

He smiles at me, "ever since you left the reefs, tsireya helped me realize it"

"Wow so you've liked me since then?"


I giggle and grab my braid. "Shall we" I say.

He chuckles and grabs his braid also. "Of course"

Our braids finally touch and I feel so happy I shed some tears. Aonung looks at me worried. "Don't worry these are tears of joy."

I look back at his lips and kiss him. Then were making out. "Ma'nung" I say in between breaths.

I fall into the grass "your so gorgeous Ma'neteyam"

Sorry haven't updated in a while I was stuck but I finally got an idea. Anyway next chapter will have smut so be warned. Plus I have never written smut out, I've only pictured in my head and somewhat so plz excuse me if you get confused.

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