Chapter 17

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Neteyam pov

The next morning I announced to everyone that I had taken a mate and that it was Aonung.

Everyone cheered for us. Well almost everyone, tisaye wasn't really happy. "What do you mean your mated to Aonung?!"

"God why are you screaming so early?" I say huffing in annoyance. "Plus why do you care?"

He just stands there looking at me. It seems like he wants to say something but decides against it.

Tisaye pov

What?? That bastard mated with neteyam?!? Oh I knew I should've asked him sooner.

What can I do now? It's not like I can tell him I like him. I sigh in defeat. I look back at neteyam.

I've been in love with him since little. My first love. "Nevermind I hope you guys live a good life" I say then walk away depressed.

Neteyam pov

Well that was weird. Anyway I run out to go find Aonung.

I finally catch sight of him and run up to hug him. "Ma'nung!" I yell.

"Wow, what's up?" He says hugging me back.

"Nothing I'm just happy your my mate now, did you know I've liked you since the first day I saw you?" He gives me a confused look.

"It's true although you were a jerk and I didn't want to acknowledge it then"

We both chuckle at the thought of our younger selfs. "Those this mean your gonna come back to the ocean with me?" He asks.

"Yup I'm an adult now so I don't worry about my parents they'll be fine" I say giggling.

A few days later...

After everything had been packed on the banshees, I looked back at my family.

"We're gonna miss you neteyam" kiri says.

I smile "I'll come visit ok?" I hug them good bye and get one the banshee with Aonung.

We ride off into my new home and my new life.

The end.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story thank you for reading. I know the ending is kinda shitty so plz excuse me for it. Thanks again for reading it made me happy to know various people read this story.

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