2 - darkness

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josh turned on the tv, getting comfortable on his couch with his chunky chips ahoy cookies.

he put on south park to watch while he ate his snack and played on his phone.

not too long after, the door opened and ryan walked in.

"hey man." ryan huffed, setting his bag down and putting his keys up.

"wassup, how was the meeting?" josh asked.

"it was fine, i'm so fuckin tired though. where'd dal go?" ryan yawned.  he had just got back from his frat exec board meeting. "oh, do you have your night class today?"

"yeah in 30 minutes." josh nodded. he had a class from 6:30-8:00 every other thursday. dallon was joshs boyfriend, that he met on tinder one day like 5 months ago. he went to the same college, and played for the basketball team.

they've hung out a lot since they first met. josh had major feelings for the boy and it was obvious dallon felt the same.

"alright. i'm gonna shower and prolly go to bed." ryan said, josh nodding and saying goodnight.

he sighed, putting his cookies away and turning the tv off. he grabbed his backpack, shoving his laptop and papers in it.

josh filled up his water bottle and grabbed his keys before heading out the door and down to his car.

he drove to the parking lot he always parks in, and made his way inside the building where his class is.

"joshua." the professor smiled at him as he walked in. josh smiled back, taking his seat in the very back of the class.

tonight was gonna be long.


finally, after a long hour and a half, josh was out of his class.

he shoved his stuff in his backpack and immediately made his way to the library in the building to finish his other assignment.

he still had a week to do it, but he figured might as well finish it while he's here.

eventually he finished, and mumbled a quick string of curses before he packed his stuff up again and made his way out of that god forsaken building.

campus was dead, with no cars in the parking lot. he had managed to spend another 2 hours trying to finish that writing assignment.

he took a long drink of his water bottle, and proceeded to endure the long walk back to his car. he walked through campus, eventually making it to the parking lot. he spotted his car, about 50 feet away from him.

he gave a gentle head nod to the man that was walking the opposite direction. josh thought it was weird that there wasn't any other cars in the parking lot.

josh looked at his phone as it started buzzing. dallon was calling him.

"excuse me?" josh heard, waiting to answer the call as he turned around to look. it was the same man.

"yeah?" josh asked. the man just smiled.

before josh could even think the man lunged at him.  he felt a sharp pain to his head.

josh collapsed, everything fading into black.



josh groaned, shuffling awake and immediately bringing his hand up to clutch his throbbing head.

"what?" he said aloud, squinting his eyes and looking around trying to adjust his eyes to the complete darkness.  the intense smell of must and dried blood hitting his nose. he was so confused.

he groaned again, the throbbing in his head intensifying.  he realized that his hair was wet in the spot it hurt the most.

"h-hello?" he stuttered out.  he attempted to stand up, but was immediately knocked back down.

"what the-?" he started, feeling the tug on his leg and reaching down. "nooooo no no this is wrong! this is wrong!"

it was a chain.

josh felt the hard cuff, and led his hands across the chain links until he reached the source, which was what felt like a concrete wall.

"w-what, i-i i....help!" he squeaked out, grasping his dry throat as he attempted to push words out of it.

he eventually was able to let out a loud 'help', followed by some sobs.

he was terrified.

"i d-don't get it i don't-" josh started, pulling his knees up to his chest and sobbing into them. "oh, oh god o-oh god," he rambled, being cut off by the loud clink of a door latch.

the sound of metal scraping against concrete overtook his ears, and the bright light emitting from the door frame blinded him as he scrambled backwards as far away as his chain would let him.

"joshua." he heard a familiar voice beam from up the now visible staircase.

"i'm so glad you're awake, i was starting to get bored." the voice said, the sound of his shoes connecting with the concrete echoed throughout the dark room.

"w-who are you?" josh squeaked out.

the man stopped, flipping a switch on the wall. the room dimly lit up with one singular fluorescent light.  joshs heart caught in his throat.

"my names tyler." the voice, now known as tyler, says. "ooo," tyler scrunched his face. "sorry about your head."

josh looked down, seeing his grey nike shirt was stained with dark red.  his hands were red. all he saw was red.

"whats h-happening?" josh muttered out, slowly glancing around the room.

it was a decently sized basement, with every single surface of it a dark grey concrete.  crimson streaks accompanied the floor and walls in all different shapes and sizes. chains hung from the ceiling and littered various parts of the room.

it was evil.

there was some things on the other side in the corner, that the light didn't reach.

josh didn't wanna know what was over there.

"i have to think you know what's been going on around here?" tyler smirked, slowly stepping closer to the cowering boy.

"y-you're. you're who's been...w-what i-" josh cried, his breath catching in his throat. he couldn't believe it. he couldn't believe that he got kidnapped.

"i feel like a celebrity." tyler smiled, squatting down so he was on josh level and making eye contact.

"look at you." tyler reached out, josh flinching and crying as tyler's hand grazed his chin.

"why are you doing this?" josh sobbed.

"because joshua, i got bored of my last toy." tyler said. he lowered his voice to a whisper. "i needed a new one."

"please, please let me go." josh cried more. "how do you know me please let me go,"

"of course i cant let you go," tyler chuckled.

"i've been wanting my hands on you for a long long time."

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