Chapter 3: College

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A/N: Yo! Back again :D If you have read the second Chapter before this was updated, please read it again coz it's changed and edited. Arrigatou ~

Enjoy. But Vote and Comment~!


The next morning was fine. I stopped having good sleep since the death of my parents—it stings to mention their death. Even if I slept, I wake up at 2:30 every night and start crying because that was the time they died. And from that time, I sit up and stay awake till the morning sun rays hit my body. The warmth it gives me makes me feel their presence. The warmth I felt when we hugged and kissed. My pillows and sheets are all scribbled with my parent’s names. I managed to go to college and face people every day. This is my life, empty, even with friends. I swear to God, if I get one chance to love and respect my parents, I would definitely do my best to be the brightest daughter. If only I had the chance. If only God waited a little more before calling them up. I turned towards the window, where my curtains were already moved away. I folded my hands and prayed to God to keep my parents in peace wherever they were. After praying, I walked out of the room in search of food.

My morning routine was done, and I was done dressing up for my college. I wasn’t really interested to care for my appearance. I clipped my hair down, slid a plain Tank top and a knee length skirt and put a jacket on. Wearing my boots, I skipped out of the house. The weather was moderate, and I really liked it. I got in my car and ignited the engine. I drove all the way in silence and peace until I reached my college. I pulled my car in the parking lot and grabbed my stuff to get out after having put it dead. I swung my bag over my shoulders and walked outside through the aisle. And like always, I spotted Katy giggling with some boys near the front stair case. She was your blonde girl with hazel eyes, all tall and sexy types. She was beautiful and the Goddess of most of the seniors. I tried to ignore any audience but thanks to the world, we aren’t on good terms anymore.

“Sarah! You’re early,” She called out to me before adding that normal day routine of mine. I was always early. “Hey, in a rush mode?”

“Nay, I thought you were busy with the boys over there” I said tightening my grip on my bag. Hopefully, no boy followed her and I was satisfied.

“Oh that, nay, nothing dirty” She said walking alongside me. So, she’s coming with me to the homeroom class early. “Are you done with the homework?”

“Yeah, only the last part—”

“Awesome! I need the book now. Pretty please, I haven’t done anything yet”

“Sure,” I said shifting my bag in front to remove the book to give it to her. As expected of her.

“Catch up soon, babe. You want me to come with you?”

“Am fine, Katy” I said smiling at her, “Go do it before the first bells rings. There’s only 10 minutes for it.”

“See ya” She hopped back and ran to God knows where. Most probably library, one of her most hated places. So, that’s my best friend, Katy. If you haven’t guessed, she’s not your nerdy girl. She’s one of the popular girls of the college and my first bestie. The second one, Suzan, was completely different. They were poles apart.

I entered my class and waited for the classes to start. Just after the bell rang, Suzan shows up all terrified and puffy. And as always, the teacher lets her in. Why? She’s one of the intelligent students of the class. Pity on Katy, she’s not blessed the same. Suzan entered in and waved me her hand. She had black hair and a perfect nose. Her iris glittered grey, and I personally liked them. She was slim and trim but a little shorter to me. She was followed by Katy who stopped at the door and looked at the teacher wit puppy dog eyes.

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