2 - The twins

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2 ------ The twins

After a few days, Irene's class had settled down. It was called 7G, and she liked everyone! There was the hot-tempered Malory; the calm and trustworthy Catherine; the smart and quiet Katy; the reliable Isabel; and the funny Yeri! She hadn't paid much attention to the others, but they seemed decent as well.

Irene had become a popular, likeable girl, and was extremely happy. To her delight, Yeri had become a firm friend of hers, and she felt as if life couldn't get any better!

Everyone except the twins were getting on pretty nicely. No one was left alone at break and there was nothing to worry about so far! The teachers were particularly happy with the girls too, as no one had misbehaved, not even the twins!

"Well!" Valerie murmured, one day after geography. "Wasn't that a boring class?"

"Yes," Sophie sighed, feeling quite sleepy. "I wish Ms Ronda wouldn't be so harsh on me! I was trying to stay awake, I swear."

Yeri and Irene giggled, sitting down with them. Sophie sat at the front of the class, and unfortunately, couldn't resist the urge to yawn! Sophie's yawn was quite startling and had caused the girls to jump once or twice. Ms Ronda, their geography teacher, had let it pass a couple of times, until Sophie actually dozed off! She had been scolded severely and was almost in tears until the bell rang.

"Well, get some rest now before PE. You'll have no chance to 'accidentally' sleep later!" Yeri joked.

"On that note, has everybody rested enough to prepare for the exam tomorrow?" Catherine asked. "I've studied since last year! I wonder what we're going to get. And remember, it's based on behaviour as well, so if you want good marks, you better sit up a bit Sophie!"

The girls groaned. There was an exam coming up to see if anyone needed to move down a class, and they were simply dreading it!

One day in Math class, Irene tried her best to focus on the algebra problem in front of her. She couldn't help but hope that somehow there would be some kind of drama! She had heard many stories of funny things happening, and she longed for something strange to happen.

It would also be such fun, after studying so hard, she thought.

"I hope you're paying attention, Irene!" Ms Julia, her Math teacher, called sternly, snapping her back to reality. "You look as if you're going to doze off!"

At break, Yeri went up to Irene.

"Wasn't Maths simply dreadful? I could barely focus. You know, I do wish there would be some kind of fight. Not that I want anyone to be mad at each other of course," she added hastily, "But usually there's an argument or two in the first week, and there's absolutely nothing to be talking about lately."

Before Irene could reply, a girl called Lake walked over to them, smiling.

"Hi, I'm Lake! What are you guys talking about?"

Irene stifled.

"Lake? Is that really your name?"

"Yes," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "I don't know what my mother was thinking when she named me!"

"Well, hello Lake! We were just talking about how we wished something exciting would happen," Yeri explained.

"Exciting? Well, is that fight happening over there not good enough for you?"

As they turned to look at what Lake meant, a group of girls from their class almost trampled over them as they ran towards a crowd near the basketball court.

"What are they doing? We'd better go see for ourselves!" exclaimed Irene.

Catherine, who was passing them, heard this and replied, "You better hurry if you want to see all of it! Violet and the twins are having an awful argument!"

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