6 - Irene in trouble

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6 ------ Irene in trouble

Just as Irene thought that things were starting to return to normal and it would be enough drama for one term, she was given a huge shock! When she went to her locker with Yeri, there was a note on it that said "LOSER" and when she looked inside, all her things were gone!

"What the..." Yeri picked up the note, which had fallen on the floor. She put it in her pocket. She was livid that anyone could do something so mean to her friend, and was determined to get to the bottom of it. She pulled Irene to the library.

Meanwhile, Irene was quite lost in her thoughts. She was hurt that someone hated her so much they would deliberately take her things and write a mean note to her. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before!

Yeri pulled the door so hard it could've flown away. The girls turned around and looked at her, terrified.

"What's the matter, Yeri?" Catherine cried, scared as she had never seen her friend so angry before.

"I'd like someone to explain this," she whispered, her voice shaking.

There was a collective gasp as Yeri held up the "LOSER" note and a picture of Irene's empty locker.

"Are you saying her things have been stolen?" Isabel whispered, her eyes wide.

"No, I'm suggesting Irene took her things out and wrote this herself," sneered Yeri. "Read the room, Isabel!"

Isabel flushed. Yeri had not been happy with her because she suspected that she and Katy were planning something behind her back.

Catherine, seeing that an argument was about to start, interrupted, "Yeri, come with me to Ms Zelda. Irene, take my seat for now, so you won't be alone."

Even if Catherine hadn't offered her seat, Irene wouldn't have been alone! Everyone immediately crowded around her, questions firing from every direction.

"Who do you think did it, Irene?"

"Are you okay?"

"Hey, leave the girl alone. Do you want my books and pens for now, Irene?" asked Malory, a kind smile on her face.

"Oh, thank you Mal. You're a brick!" Irene hurried next to Malory gratefully and at that moment Ms Zelda came in.

"Girls, please hand me one of your notebooks that you don't need for the rest of the day. I'm afraid we have something to sort out," she said gravely.

As Lary and Isabel were handing their books to the principal, Yeri and Catherine came in and caught the panicked looks on their faces. Catherine gave Yeri a knowing look before returning to her seat.

"Well, that was one boring class! Do you mind if I look in your locker quickly, Irene? I think I saw something." Yeri yawned.

"I'll come with you," Irene said quickly, glancing at the girls behind her yelling her name. She wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone yet!

As they headed towards her locker, Yeri looked around suspiciously. It was break time, yet no one was near the locker area or in the cafeteria! Isabel and Katy were usually there before break even started, which made her suspicions even worse. Suddenly, she caught a slight movement in the corner of her eye. She spun around and saw someone with a black ski mask hiding in the corner. What a pity they had forgotten to cover their uniform too, Yeri thought, stifling a laugh. At least we all know what grade they're in if they do anything ridiculous!

Then, before she could blink, the person sprinted behind her and she heard a loud BANG. When she turned around, she realised they were dragging Irene somewhere! She heard Irene yelp in pain, and ran after her immediately.

How is one person dragging another faster than one just running? Yeri thought bitterly, trying to find Irene and the girl, who seemed to have disappeared. I wish I had paid more attention in sports class!

"What's the matter, Yeri?"

She turned around and saw Catherine looking at her, confused.

"Oh, it's-"

Then, she saw the girl with the ski mask run out from behind the bins, holding a chunk of long black hair. Yeri's eyes widened. She felt frozen to her spot. That was, unmistakably, Irene's hair. Ignoring Catherine, she ran.

"Irene! What has happened to you?" cried Yeri, feeling a waterfall of tears pouring down her cheeks.

Irene was also crying. Her knees and elbows were bleeding heavily, and one of her braids was cut off. Catherine and Malory, who had followed Yeri, came over with the teacher on duty.

"Funny you two are always near me even though we don't talk much," Irene laughed, then quickly winced in pain.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. We'll find out what happened later. For now, are you okay? One of you, help me carry her!"

Malory helped the teacher bring Irene to the nurse's office, and Catherine was left to comfort Yeri.

"Oh, stop sobbing, will you?" Catherine said, her voice cracking as she forced a smile. "You're going to send me into a flood of tears!"

Yeri laughed, and swallowed her feelings of concern.

"Sorry, I'm just so concerned! I was suspecting something bad to happen soon, but I wasn't expecting this at all! Whoever did this really has it out for her. I wouldn't be surprised if I was involved in this." Yeri muttered.

"Whatever do you mean by that, Yeri? Do you have someone in mind?"

"Yes, actually! Two people that have been acting distant towards me and cold towards Irene ever since she joined - Isabel and Katy!"

"What, really? I mean, I thought of them at first, too, but I don't think they have any spite in their nature! I was leaning more towards Lary, since we don't know much about her yet, and she has been quiet ever since Irene's party," Catherine responded.

"Well, maybe all three of them are responsible for this, then! Isabel and Katy have been acting weirdly around us ever since Irene came, and even though you don't say anything about it, I know you notice it too."

Before Catherine could answer, Malory hurried over and updated them on Irene.

"She's shaken up for sure, but there's no serious damage. Do you think we should call a meeting? I want to get to the bottom of this, as soon as possible!"

"I think we will, since Ms Zelda is already helping us find out who wrote the note on Irene's locker, but let's!"

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