5 - A 'new' girl

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5 ------ A 'new' girl

Mary and Lary also had thoughts of their own. Mary thought about how much she wanted to get on the girls' good side, and dreamed about one day becoming friends with everyone. She regretted following Lary and destroying Violet's paintings, but Lary had convinced her it was a harmless joke.

If only I had tried to make other friends instead of sticking to Lary, she thought bitterly, Well, I'll have to find a way to make it up to the others.

Unfortunately for Mary, this was a nearly impossible task! She hated being alone, so she spent breaks walking around with Lary. And how she wished Lary would stop talking so negatively and loudly! Whenever they passed their classmates, Lary would say, "This school is such a mess! Sending off our school captain and leaving the rest of the school in a mess. Do you think our principal is a good one for that, Mary?"

Then, the girls would turn around to see what she would say. To her dismay, she didn't have the courage to stand up to Lary in front of so many people, and simply walked away instead.

Lary, on the other hand, was taking great pleasure in making the girls mad at her.

For some reason, Catherine thought, as the pair walked by, she seems to love being unfriendly and causing harm to others. I can't even imagine doing the things she does! She shuddered at the thought.

Lary was so mean that the girls almost felt bad for Mary. Sadly, the girls seemed to think that twins were identical in personalities as well as looks, so they never paid much attention to her!

At last, Mary had had enough. When the girls were in the library, chatting while waiting for Ms Julia to come, she went to the front of the room.

She stood in front of the class and as they fell silent, she began to talk.

"Listen, I know you all haven't had the best impression of me since my first week, but I'm here to say I'm sorry for what I did. I know it was wrong, and lately, I've been wanting to get to know some of you better so my past can be forgiven and you can know what I'm truly like. I'm a completely different person, so different you'd think I was a new girl! So please, girls, could you ever forgive me?"

Catherine was the first to react. She stood up.

"Well, we've been discussing you guys lately, and it's about time you apologised and decided to become friendly with us!" She said kindly, then faced towards the class. "I think that we should forgive Mary once and for all. Any protests?"

No one said a word, but secretly, Lary was fuming with anger. How dare her twin do this without her knowing! Now it just seemed like she was pathetic and couldn't bring herself to apologise! If only Lary realised that she was pathetic!

After this, the girls were pleasantly surprised with Mary. She was quite smart, and was excellent at netball and soccer. They often played sports with her, and she was chosen to be a part of her school's netball team!

The sports captain, Bethany, had also been surprised.

"If you keep this up, you'll be in the soccer team in no time!"

Mary turned red with delight. How nice it was to receive praise from the captain herself!

They also found out she had an excellent sense of humour. At breaks, she had everyone splitting their sides at her jokes and bizarre faces.

"Mary, how odd of you not to show us you were this hilarious! Oh, it would've cheered me up so much when classes were boring!" exclaimed Irene, wiping tears from her face.

"Exactly," Yeri frowned, "Which is why I've been wondering lately, why didn't you show us you were like this? We could've avoided so much drama!"

Mary's face turned serious.

"Well, to put it shortly, you all know Lary and I are new, right? We were supposed to go to the highschool next to our primary school after we graduated, but my mother lost her job and we could no longer afford the fees. She decided to move us here, and although I didn't mind, Lary was extremely annoyed. Since we're twins, we went with each other, and she made me do all the things I did," she said solemnly. "I don't blame her for the things I've done, though. I should've known better!"

"Well, now that we know more about you, you don't seem so bad after all! Your behaviour was certainly extraordinary, but I imagine Lary was upset about leaving her other friends behind. Was she anything like you before she moved here?" Catherine asked, gently placing an arm on Mary's shoulder.

"Honestly, I don't know. I never really liked her friends much, so I went my own way. I can say that she was sweet at home though! I can't imagine why she said all those things when she moved here, but she probably has her reasons," Mary said.

"Hey, all this talk about Lary and she's not even here! Someone get her! It's about time she apologises too," grinned Lake.

Lary however, wasn't interested in whatever the others were doing. While this was happening, Isabel had followed Lary into the bathroom.

"Don't you guys feel jealous of the others? They didn't invite you to their party, and now even your twin has left you," she said sympathetically.

"What do you want Isabel? Drop the act and get to the point," sneered Lary.

Isabel looked surprised at first, then laughed. She did exactly that! As she finished her story, she was overjoyed to see Lary looking at her with a sly smile.

"I guess if we can get back at Mary, then I'll do it. I don't care for the other girl! What a cunning trick!"

It was a smart but horrible trick, indeed. Even Katy was stunned when the idea was suggested.

"Oh, but don't you think we're going a bit too far now?" said Katy, alarmed that Isabel could even think of such a thing.

"If you don't want to do it, suit yourself," Isabel shrugged, "But don't expect us to hang around and wait for you!"

As she started to walk away, Katy called for her.

"Oh fine, I'll do the trick! I'll help you and Lary!"

"That's what I thought," Isabel said, smiling.

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