4 - A successful party

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4 ------ A successful party

After a few days, the party plan was finished! No one, not even tired Sophie, could stop talking about it!

"I've bought her the loveliest jacket! It's got a star on it with her name written on the back, and it's in her two favourite colours - blue and white! I can't wait for her to see it!" Yeri squealed.

"I haven't got much money this week, so I bought her this nice angel hairbrush," Isabel said happily.

Yeri glanced at Isabel, and was alarmed to see an evil look in her eyes. She blinked, and it vanished. She shook her head, feeling uneasy. What was the matter with her these days?

Isabel had caught Yeri looking at her, but didn't feel scared at all. She had a special plan that no one and nothing could ruin, not even Katy!

The girls continued talking about the gifts and food they brought, and after a long afternoon of planning, they hid everything in the storage cupboard outside the office.

"Let's go over the plan one more time, Cathy! I can't stand the thought of something going wrong."

"Nothing will go wrong, Mal," Catherine comforted Malory. "We have the seniors to help, remember? Irene usually arrives at school a minute before school starts, so we can put everything at the oak tree in the morning. She won't see it! She runs straight past that area, we've seen her do it a lot. Then, at break, we'll all run out to the tree and she'll wonder what's going on. When she follows us to find out, we'll yell SURPRISE! Then, it will be a wonderful day!"

"Oh, it's six in the morning, Valerie! Give me a break," Lake groaned as she pulled Valerie's gift - a bicycle! - to the oak tree.

Everyone, even the teachers on duty, were smiling. The principal, who was watching the interesting scene from her window, laughed.

What an unpredictable but kind bunch! I have a feeling they will do a lot for our school. I'm so proud of Redwood Academy!

At last, the bell rang and the girls waited nervously for Irene to arrive. When she did, she was surprised to see her whole class guarding the oak tree like their life depended on it!

"What's happening?" she asked in amazement, "I thought I was late!"

Before she could blink, they ran to class, leaving her chasing after them helplessly.

What's going on? She thought, cross that they wouldn't answer her questions. It's like I've done something wrong again!

Their first class was history, and although no one said it, everyone was scared of the teacher, Mrs Amanda. She had a bad temper, and no girl dared to talk unless it was to answer her questions!

Irene couldn't focus on her work, so she looked around to see what everyone else was doing. The twins were at the back, scribbling in their books. Of course they were, she thought. Trust the twins to be so unbothered! Yeri was focusing on the whiteboard, Katy and Isabel looked like they were going to pass out, and Malory was, as usual, struggling with the work. She saw Catherine's head buried in her book, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Would you like to explain to everybody what's so funny, Irene?" said Mrs Amanda, a threatening look on her face.

"Sorry, Mrs Amanda," she said, flushing.

Finally, the class ended. She was about to run up to Yeri, but the whole class got up and ran towards the oak tree! Irene stared after them, and was quite mad again.

Why do they keep leaving me like that? It's so frustrating! Just my luck that I skipped breakfast too! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

All her annoyance faded when she reached the oak tree. Yeri pulled her in the circle around the tree and everyone screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRENE!"

Irene was shocked. She was so tired, she had forgotten it was her birthday! She felt tears coming to her eyes as she stared at the food and presents around her.

"Well," Irene said, "You guys didn't have to do this."

"Oh, yes we did!" Lake cried. "We've treated you horribly lately, and it's only fair we make it up to you."

Then, Irene's stomach grumbled, and everyone burst out laughing.

"All the more reason to hold this party! Dig in!"

The party was a great success! Ms Zelda had given them permission to stay out until break two ended, so they had a wonderful time indeed.

"Goodness, we're eating like pigs," laughed Irene, as she caught a glimpse of Lake and Sophie seeing who could fit the most marshmallows in their mouth.

"What do you think?" Yeri was grinning from ear to ear. "We took ages to get ready, so I hope you're having fun."

"Oh, absolutely! By the way, where's the twins and Isabel?"

"The twins weren't invited since we're still ignoring them. Silly things, really - they knew about the party yet didn't try to spoil or join it? I still don't know what to think about them but we've got to do something about it." Yeri frowned. "Actually, now that you've said it, where is Isabel?"

It didn't matter where anyone was, though. Everyone was having too much fun!

At last, the day ended, and Irene was home. As she went to bed, she realised she was grateful of the trick that had been played on her - if it didn't happen, the party wouldn't have been thrown!

If only Violet was school captain again, she thought wistfully.

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