8 - Resignations -- and expulsions

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8 ------ Resignations - and expulsions

"That's it, I'm done," Bethany stated, after a heated argument with the school's leadership team. "I don't care what you guys do, but we're making a fool of ourselves, trying to 'run' the school with no captain to lead us. I'm not going to school until Ms Zelda takes us seriously and has an assembly."

After this, the school really was a mess! No one was able to play sports as the sports captain was not there to give instructions, SRCs disappeared completely and could not assist the teachers in their jobs, and the vice captain, who had temporarily replaced the school captain, left too!

"School is so boring and weird now that we don't have anyone to follow," mused Catherine.

"I don't blame the leaders one bit. They probably struggled to do their jobs without Violet, too! I heard so many people talking about how she was the sole reason everyone else was glad to be a captain." Malory added.

Meanwhile, Ms Zelda had received the letter from Bethany, letting her know that every captain would be absent until there was to be an assembly on the topic. She thought long and hard, and finally came up with a solution.

Clearly they want Violet to be their leader again. I do regret stripping her position as school captain, but it seemed like such a good decision at the time, she thought sadly.

I'll announce an assembly, soon - Violet will be made school captain again, and SRCs will be announced too.

At that same moment, Yeri wandered around the basketball court, feeling as if she was in a dream. Although Irene had insisted she was fine, Yeri knew better. She still felt intense anger towards the girl - or group of people, she was certain, - that was responsible, and longed to know who it was.

She hadn't noticed Irene, who was right behind her.

"You know, you do look stressed lately. You aren't worrying about me or anything, right?" she asked.

Yeri almost jumped at the sound of her voice, then laughed nervously.

"Nope! I'm just... nervous for the exam results, of course! We had one in Week 4, remember?"

Irene laughed too, but she wasn't quite sure. Eventually, she got bored and left Yeri to find Catherine.

Yeri kept walking until she stumbled across a small room behind the hall.

"I've been in this hall more times than I can count, yet I've never noticed this!" she exclaimed, astonished.

She peeked inside. Isabel, Katy and Lary were huddled into a corner, whispering, but loudly enough for her to hear.

"Wow, this place is definitely hidden from everyone else! No one will ever find us here!" Katy breathed.

Yeri quickly got a camera on the table nearby, and started recording them.

"Well, we've got to figure out what to do to that brat Irene," Isabel muttered, "Yeri still clings onto her like a baby, and we can't let her become even more distant. All of our hard work will be for nothing!"

"Hard work?" Lary laughed so wickedly it sent shivers down Yeri's spine. "Hiding her books and writing her mean letters were nothing! It was entertaining to see her stressed when I cut off her hair too. I kept a bit of it as a souvenir, look!"

Lary held up a chunk of Irene's hair, and Isabel clapped while patting her on the back.

Yeri was still bubbling with anger as she walked out the room. To think that her friends could do something so cruel! Well, luckily for her, she knew exactly how to get back at them. They better watch out!

"Everybody, I have something to show you," Yeri said, going up to the front of the class.

Ms Julia looked at Yeri sternly.

"You will have to wait until the end of class to present whatever you have to everyone, Yeri."

"I'm afraid I can't wait any longer," Yeri said, playing the video she had recorded earlier.

The girls gasped as the video continued. Lary, who had turned quite pale indeed, received harsh stares from everyone around the room. Isabel and Katy wanted to just disappear at that moment. It was not a pleasant time for the trio!

Malory shot up immediately, glaring at them.

"How dare you! Accuse your own twin of doing the horrible things you did, and let us treat her like this? Do you have no shame?" she cried, shaking as she pointed at Lary.

"That's enough, Malory. Thank you for sharing your opinion," Ms Julia interrupted, but once Malory was in a temper, she really couldn't stop.

"And you! Katy and Isabel! How dare you encourage a new girl to do something like this? Out of the seven years I've known you both, I never thought you would've done something like this! If you aren't expelled, I will make you leave!"

"Malory, that is quite enough!" snapped Ms Julia. "As for Katy, Isabel and Lary, you will report to the principal immediately after class."

After classes ended, the girls' shouts could be heard from across the world.

"Wow, after all this time we've been acting coldly towards Mary, it wasn't her after all! To think we treated her like that for so long. On behalf of everyone else, Mary, we are so sorry.," Catherine apologised.

"It's quite alright. I can understand why you thought it was me, anyway," Mary winked, a twinkle in her eye.

"Irene, Yeri! How do you guys feel about this?" Sophie asked curiously.

They were both silent the whole time, feeling quite betrayed. Irene was in disbelief that someone she had considered her friend could've done something so mean to anyone, nonetheless her! Yeri was disappointed that her childhood best friends could do something so mean to her friend as well.

"Give them some time," Catherine said, joining arms with the two. "I do agree with Malory, though. If the three aren't expelled, we will find a way to make them leave!"

Katy, Isabel and Lary walked into the principal's room, feeling frightened. They never thought they would be caught!

Ms Zelda, who had heard about the situation from Ms Julia, stared at them coldly.

"You are new to this school, yet you have already stirred so much trouble for us and the girls in your class. You have done mean, spiteful things out of jealousy, and that is something that cannot be forgiven by anyone. You are to apologise to everyone and leave. You three are expelled."

She raised her hand to dismiss them, and they walked out, trembling.

Expelled! After 9 weeks! They thought, disappointed. What will our parents think?

The girls received their apology on a piece of paper. It read:

Everybody, we are extremely sorry. We never thought that our harmless prank could be so bad in your eyes, and we hope that you will forgive us soon. For now, we have been expelled, and we might never see you again!

"Pathetic," Lake said, tossing the note to Yeri in disgust. "'Bad in our eyes?' No, it was a bad trick, and there's no denying that! Trust them to try and excuse what they did. I will never forgive them!"

"Writing the note on paper, too, when they could've apologised to us in person," Malory spat. "I bet they don't mean a word they wrote! At least they're gone for good."

"Well, now that they're gone, I feel like we are a good bunch! We'll be able to settle down without any more drama, don't you think?" Yeri said happily.

"You're right," Irene said, grinning. "Now, let's go to the assembly to see what the principal wants with us!"

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