7 - Two meetings

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7 ------ Two meetings

After much begging, Ms Zelda finally allowed Yeri, Catherine and Malory to hold a meeting in the library.

"Well," Catherine started, as the girls had gathered around, "As you know, Irene started to lose her things and stopped losing stuff after a while, but never found her old belongings. Today, she had everything in her locker stolen, and then at break, had her hair cut off! After much thinking, it is safe to assume that the things she 'lost' at the start of the term have been stolen too. Now, we are looking for a thief as well as a bully."

Yeri was looking carefully in Isabel and Katy's direction as this speech was made, but they both remained expressionless.

"To think someone had been after Irene after all! Remember when Yeri mentioned it but we all thought she had gone crazy?" Valerie shouted.

Seeing Yeri's confused face, Sophie kicked Valerie.

"Just ignore her, Yeri. She's the one going crazy, I'm afraid."

"Ow, what? You could've just told me to shut up," Valerie groaned.

"Anyway, I think the best way to find out who did it is to eliminate those who had no way of doing it."

"Well, we can easily rule out me, Catherine and Malory," Yeri said. "All three of us were there for Irene."

"And cross out Poppy, Sophie, Lake and Valerie," Catherine added. "They were sitting with me before this happened."

"Well, that leaves Mary, Lary, Katy and Isabel. I can't imagine any of them doing something like this. Actually, I take that back. Lary, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Valerie said, raising her eyebrow.

"I'm so glad you asked, since I found something in Mary's locker earlier that can help us with the investigation." Lary smirked.

"My locker? I would never have-"

"QUIET!" Yeri demanded. "Mary, let Lary speak. Lary, hurry up with your tale, will you? It's a bit selfish of you to not tell us as soon as the meeting started, if you knew it was going to help us."

Lary flinched at Yeri's tone, but quickly regained composure and said, "Mary was in a rush yesterday, and left her locker open. As her twin, I was concerned, so I went to close it, but I saw a necklace with Irene's name engraved in it. When I looked inside the locker, I found all Irene's things in there. If she could take Irene's things, then she would probably be the person who had cut off Irene's hair today. After all, I saw her alone today, and she looked as if she was planning something."

Lary set down, letting her words sink in. Then, everyone turned to Mary to see how she reacted to the accusation.

"I would never do anything like that," she said quietly, simmering with rage. "If anything, Lary, you are the type of person to do that."

"If you're so sure, then why don't we go to your locker to check?" countered Lary, smugly.

"Yes, let's," Malory said, staring hard at Lary.

So off they went, and as Mary opened her locker, all of Irene's things fell out!

She gasped and turned to face the others.

"There must be some kind of mistake! Surely you guys don't think I've done something so terrible, especially when I was just trying to make it up to you."

She received nothing but cold, hard stares. Catherine looked at her apologetically, before saying, "Well, with this proof, I'm not sure there is anything else to say!"

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