9 - End of term

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9 ------ End of term

The whole school came to the assembly. As everyone went to their seats, Ms Zelda came to the front.

"We have heard the complaints about our school captain, which will be addressed at the end of the assembly. For the moment, we will announce the SRCs that have been chosen by your peers. Starting from grade ten, then going down."

As they were announced, the grade sevens could hardly wait for their SRCs to be announced! Everybody was hopeful that they would be chosen, and excited to see who was going to be their leader for the rest of the year.

"Amanda for 7O, and lastly... Catherine for 7G!"

There was no doubt that 7G cheered the loudest! Catherine blushed as she sat on stage with her new badge.

In no time, it was near the end of the assembly.

"I would like to congratulate all the new leaders," Ms Zelda said.

Everyone gave a big round of applause, which faded as the principal held up her hand.

"As you know, we haven't had a school captain since the start of the term, and I must say, it has been quite foolish of me to let the year go on without one," she admitted. "However, thanks to the school leadership team, I have realised my mistake, which is why I welcome back Violet, our school captain!"

The claps were as loud as thunder! Violet walked up to the stage, nodded at the principal, and made a speech.

"I am very grateful for this opportunity to become school captain again. I have also realised my mistake in the time I have been suspended, so I think it is more appropriate to give my position to my friend. She is trustworthy, liked, and admired, and she will definitely do better than I have in leading the school. Please welcome your new captain, Lily!"

The principal reached out to stop Violet, but it was too late! Lily walked towards the stage, assuming it had been planned, and gave a huge smile to Ms Zelda. She felt tears sting her eyes as she looked at the school staring at her in awe. Nothing like this had ever happened before!

"Thank you so much for this opportunity. I will do well." She bowed, and on that note, the assembly ended!

"I've never seen anything like that happen at a school assembly before!" Irene called to Yeri.

"That's because nothing like that has ever happened before, in the whole world I should think! Good on Violet to do something like that. I do admire Lily as much as I admire her!" Yeri agreed.

The next day, as Irene and Yeri went to the library, they saw Mary walking towards them sadly.

"What's the matter, Mary?" Yeri put her arm on the girl's shoulder as she joined them.

"Well, I've got the worst news! My mother told me that since Lary has been expelled, I'm going to have to leave with her."

"But why? You've fit in so well and what Lary does has nothing to do with you!" cried Irene.

"Yes," she agreed, "But like I told you before, we are twins and we do follow each other everywhere. I will miss you guys, though. Thank you for always being there for me!"

Catherine and Lake, who had overheard the last bit, came over.

"You're leaving? Well, we will miss you a lot. Good luck with that strange sister of yours!" Lake said.

"Oh, I won't be with her," Mary said seriously. "My mum intends to send her off to a strict boarding school! It will do her some good."

"With Lary, Isabel and Katy leaving, our school captain back, and Irene's hair finally growing out, I feel like we're going to have a great rest of the year!" Catherine noted.

"Hey! My hair is perfectly fine," Irene protested, giving her a playful punch.

They laughed together and went off.

On the last day, no one could focus.

"Valerie, do you have to keep throwing your rubber at Sophie? Mary, I know it's your last day, but there's plenty of time to give people fake tattoos at break! And for goodness sake, Irene and Yeri, stop talking!" Mrs Phoebe cried, throwing her arms around in despair.

Unfortunately for her, no one paid any attention! Everyone was far too busy talking about their holidays.

"My dad told me he'd take me to Queensland for the whole two weeks! Don't be surprised if I come back and start a habit of sleeping in class," Yeri said seriously. "Also, Irene is coming with me! Isn't that awesome?"

Irene nodded. She had been delighted when Yeri invited her for the holidays!

"I'm afraid your holidays are nothing compared to mine," Lake grinned. "Valerie, Sophie and I are going overseas for a whole month! How their parents agreed, I will never know, but don't expect to see us for the first two weeks of Term 2!"

"You guys are starting to make my break sound so boring," Catherine groaned. "I was going to go to the beach, have a sleepover with Malory and stay home for the rest! I would think staying at school would be more exciting!"

No one, however, was willing to stay at school, as it was about time for a break. What an eventful term at Redwood Academy!

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