3 - Irene has a few surprises

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3 ------ Irene has a few surprises

After the fight, Irene decided she needed someone to talk to. She was looking for her other friends, but suddenly spotted Yeri.

"Yeri! Oh, please come with me! I need to lie down a bit, but it would be awkward to be on my own." Irene explained.

Yeri smiled at her. "Of course! Why don't we go to the oak tree over there? We can talk to Lake, Valerie and Sophie as well."

As they talked, Katy and Isabel stared at them in disgust.

"I thought Irene was a good person, but it seems as if she doesn't care about us at all! She's trying to steal Yeri from us. How funny of Yeri to go with her too!" Katy said scornfully.

"We can't let her get away with this," Isabel spat, "She deserves a few tricks played on her."

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Katy's head.

"So why don't we?" she said with a sly smile. "She does deserve it. So why don't we do it?"

Poor Irene was stressed the whole week! First, her pencil case and books had gone missing.

"You can borrow mine," Yeri said, "But don't lose anything else, will you?"

Then, more precious things went missing. As she went to buy lunch, her wallet was nowhere to be found! Her bracelet had disappeared, and somehow, even her stockings seemed to have vanished!

"I was under the impression we were friends with someone who wasn't so absent minded," scoffed Isabel, after Irene borrowed correction tape from Yeri.

Yeri looked up at her sharply.

"That's no way to talk to her. Apologise at once! I'm sure she isn't just losing things. Surely there's something else."

Katy laughed, so loudly all the passing girls stared at her as if she was crazy.

"Oh, Yeri! You're not suggesting someone is stealing, are you? Why would anyone have anything against our dear Irene?" She patted Irene's head, and Irene flinched.

Catherine, who overheard their conversation, frowned.

"Well, it doesn't matter where her things are or how she's losing them. As long as she finds all the things soon! Katy, you have no right to touch Irene if she looks so uncomfortable. Take your hand off her head, will you?"

Irene nodded her head at Catherine thankfully, but she couldn't stop thinking about what Katy had said. She couldn't figure how she was losing her things so quickly, and it would make sense if someone was stealing them. Even if that was the case, who would steal from her? She hadn't done anything bad, had she? As if that wasn't enough to worry about, she had to keep an eye out for Isabel and Katy too! These days, they seemed so annoyed with her. She couldn't imagine what she had done wrong!

Yeri had also noticed the strange remarks they had made towards Irene lately, and it was making her very uncomfortable. As much as she hated the thought, she really did think someone was stealing Irene's things! It was impossible that Irene would be so forgetful, especially with her most prized possessions.

As the term went on, Irene started to 'lose' more things. Everyone was becoming more annoyed with her by the second, and she simply couldn't imagine how she was losing so many things!

"Why, you've lost more things than I own!" Catherine muttered impatiently, quite unusual to her calm self.

"I know, I'm sorry," Irene said meekly. Things were starting to go terribly wrong for her! In a week, she had turned almost as disliked as the twins. Luckily, she still had Yeri defending her.

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