New World/New Persona

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Y/N Pov

Y/N is a gamer and a introvert he may be shy and not sociable but will fight but if you throw a hit first or insult you with witty remarks about you and your family Y/N is a high schooler age 16 and is what people call the quiet kid only wanting to be alone seeing no need to be around people who won't have the same interests as him....what were his interests well being a gamer you could guess that in a planet that was dying due to all the chemicals in the air and having to wear mask and having to buy clean air with cases of acid rain it was no surprise that he started to play YGGDRASIL but with abit of a twist he loved to play old games and found the Undertale au community even if its old now and maybe only a few hundred knew about it now and with that created one of his favorite ones Geno Sans as his avatar of course this caused problems me being a non human made me a target for some experience players almost feeling like this game was made with minds of racist people of course now after having many deaths i was able to at least make my level raise up to level 50 i may not have been the strongest but i was able to defend myself what i did not anticipate was that on that very same day while playing i would be killed while in game by my own Father who wanted to get rid of me for supposedly for not wanting to have to buy food for a extra mouth i knew we were low on money but not to this point when i was killed i didnt even notice since somehow i was still in the game but i saw flashes of what my father did....that day i let my anger out and yelled as loud as i could feeling my sould crack and even glitch my eyesight what was anger before was now pain as i was forced to see the codes of this worldly game forced to see everything in numbers forced to feel damage that other players got in game and forced to feel their anger as they die in game it made my eyes glow red in rage then blue in saddness...
After many years being trapped in this game i have become a sort of creepypasta for this game people even going as far as to find me when i want to hide if they even touch me or get close i would see their memories feel their anger and pain and see the codes of their avatars so i had no choice but to kill them off woth one strike from my bloody strings and worst the devs tried to delete me from the system causing me to feel worse pain then before that caused every players screens to glitch widely but soon that will end...soon..


No One Pov

We are now seen in a huge room that seems to have a large table with many empty seats only 2 people we seated in seats both non human in appearance one is a huge skeleton maybe 2 meters tall if standing

We are now seen in a huge room that seems to have a large table with many empty seats only 2 people we seated in seats both non human in appearance one is a huge skeleton maybe 2 meters tall if standing

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The other person looked like sludge of some kind speaking up to the skeleton

The other person looked like sludge of some kind speaking up to the skeleton

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