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Ainz Pov

Today has been eventful first the talk from last night and even just a few minutes before on how Nfirea found out who i really was which shocked me on how he easily figured that out and he even asked me to train him in magic casting and alchemy wow this kid doesn't have faith in himself but I still won't forgive him about taking fatal away from my sight for a long time

But that is the least to our troubles cause while walking back to E Rantel we were stopped by a loud roar in the forest where supposedly a Huge beast was living in I turn to face my team for now and see them all frozen in fear well except for Nave and Geno but geno had a look of seriousness which was oddly rare to see I wonder if the creature in the forest had a high level to make even geno serious

Nfirea:I didn't think it would be awake now..

Lukrut:what if it runs over here and

Momon:We will take care of it.. Geno Nabe let's go..

Peter:what!? Do you understand what you want to d-

Momon:Yes I'm very aware..but I'm sure that with geno and Nabe with me I will be able to take this beast down

Nabe:Of course..we won't take long..


As Nabe said this won't take long all 3 ran inside and we even met aura who was gonna bait this creature out..I just hope it isn't as strong as they say..

Geno had been oddly quiet but this made me worry especially when aura ran past us with not a excited look but..a look of fear all of the sudden and dark tendril was flying towards me at such speed I couldn't react I was thrown back into a tree as Nabe gained a worried look but geno got into a ready stance..

That attack..drained my HP..like poison..all of the sudden the creature made it presence know Infront of us was a giant...hamster that doesn't matter now the attack it did was powerful enough to do damage.. And worse I don't think its the creature full strength

Hamster:Lay your weapon and accept death..

Nabe:As if we would submit to a inferio-

She was hit by a slash that left her bleeding?! H-how is this..

Just before I could finish my thought geno started to release his strings that now flew in the air towards the hamster but it jumped out of the way and opened it mouth shooting a beam of shadows at geno who was hit by it not expecting such a feat

I looked to him thinking he would not be injured due to his status but I was shocked once more when I saw him glitching..he told me that when he was injured or felt pain he would glitch..how is this this

The hamster then rolled it body up into a ball and start to roll towards me..I quickly got my 2 swords and block it but I felt it pushing and breaking the tree behind me I couldn't hold much longer..but thanks to luck Nabe shot a lightning bolt at it making it stun for a few seconds before it jumped into the trees to disappear

Having my share of boss battles I knew this was a tactic of it kinda teleporting..

I could see geno get up and look at his clutching hands with a hint of panic before pulling out blue strings.

Nabe wasn't fairing better with her having a look of shock being injured like this was new to her but with effort she stood up and had her magic bolts at the ready

I quickly formed a plan to which I communicate to them through message kinds like telepathy the plan was simple geno would use his strings to hold the hamster in place for Nabe to fire he lighting bolt at it while I use my slash attacks to quickly lower its health..even with my emotions in check the adrenaline of a real boss battle kicked in making me even feel happy

The hamster then appeared again with geno wrapping blue strings around it showing a cartoonist heart that was covered in shadow which made geno have a look of shock but Nabe shot he bolt stunning the hamster while I move forwards to ram it down making it flip over as I slash at it in a quick speed my moves may be sloppy but having a huge target only made it easier to hit

This went on for about 20 minutes it if showing signs of bleeding and slashes even having dark burns on it where nabe shot

But the beast still stood its ground..I thought this would be easy now that I know its weakness..I look to geno who was thinking then I saw him raise his hand

My pupils shrink in shock as I grab nabe who was confused and covered he in my red cape as I saw geno summon those "Blasters" 3 at most now as it charged and aimed at the creature who now had a look of worry and sweat seeing the blasters


3rd POV

The swords of darkness and nfirea were worried about their companions in the forest that have now been 20 minutes they were about to go in until they heard a huge explosion in the forest looking up to see a smoke cloud of dust raise from the forest they only assumed the worst but was surprise to see a kinda damaged armor Momon and Nabe walk out with Nabe having injuries like the slash wound but also having her shirt ripped in half but that did not distract them

They were gonna ask about geno but was silence by a geno dragging a knocked out giant beast hamster

Geno:this guy was a tough one..oh man..it ripped some of my clothing

They all turn to see a geno having abut of messy hair and even having some part of his...tight clothing being ripped showing off his left thigh and a part of his stomach right side which made lukrut fall to the floor with his nose bleeding it made nfirea blush abit looking away it made nave blush too but she hid it with her stoic stare of geno

Momon took his cape off and wrapped it around his..."brother" to hide his showing body now..

Oh how he wished his "brother" wasn't such a trap then he wouldn't have to protect him from pervs


-Scene change-

We see "The figure" walking down a hallway into a room where we see "Follower 1" Sitting curled up

The figure:Ο Αζαζέλ δεν είναι ευχαριστημένος που φεύγεις για να κάνεις το δικό σου

Follower:I didn't mean to..I was..testing this...person that he has interest in..

The figure:Just don't do it again.. He will see fit of what to do with your behavior..

The figure:But..I heard that this time he will go above and try to converse with that said person..who knows..

Follower: But..δεν είναι γιος σου I mean I would understand if its for our lord but...he is

The figure:that doesn't matter..besides if he ever finds that out I don't think he would be happy to see me..

The figure:But what I do know is how he will be of use to our plan..we would be the ones to rule the sky once this is over..


A/N:I am sorry with the wait school is holding me back and I'm working on a new story with new art for this and the new story..I have a lot of ideas and hope you all can understand

Anyways ♥️Happy Valentines Day💜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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