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A/N:these are fillers that are not cannon to the story but will be here for entertainment________________________________________

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A/N:these are fillers that are not cannon to the story but will be here for entertainment



Both these beautiful wemon were looking at each other seriously both their permanent smirks were gone with a looked that showed no amusement to each other

Both in a room that was only lit up but a red lamps that made both their red eyes shine in the dark

Next to them was a bed with a peacefully sleeping Fatal who was still wearing his normal clothing even alseep

Clementine:I dont even have to do anything i can clearly see the difference between us and who is far more attractive

Shalltear: your right...Cause why would Fatal want a weak human as his partner

Clementine:Why would he have a flat worse a vampire that stole a 14 year old girls must think him as a pedo

Shalltear:Dont accuse me of such things! Besides im sure all your body was just for men to gawk at and not fuck

Shalltear:at least i had fun with some males that to be honest didnt satisfy me

Clementine:...My i didnt think a vampire would be such a slut..

Shalltear:I'll cut you open if one more thing comes out your mouth!

Clementine:Aww well too bad wouldnt that make Fatal hate you


Clementine:i know i cant beat you in a fight im not so arrogant to know i cant beat you..

Shalltear:where are you going with this..

Clementine:whhy not share him i dont really see the problem we both get what we want and both will be sastified


Clementine:come on blood sucker you should know if a male has 2 partners it wont be much of a problem as long as he doesn't...gain more female..

Shalltear:I will agree in one condition

Clementine:and that is

Shalltear:When we have "fun" we are all involved no alone time for more fun~

Clementine:can we tease

Shalltear:Of course we can

Both women had a smirk on their faces with a glint in their red eyes as they looked at the sleeping form of their soon to be lover


Fatal/Geno Pov

I woke up on my bed and got up rubbing my left eye to get the sleep out as i went into my bathroom to brush my teeth but i did not expect to find a toweled covered clementine and shalltear both in the bathroom Clementine was putting soap in shalltear hair as she had her head down clementine then poured a bucket of water on shalltear head she both turn to look at me with a glint that semt shivers down my spine

Shalltear:Aww look sleeping beauty has finally awoken from their slumber~

Clementine:and it seems that he likes what he sees~

I blushed hard and was so stunned i used sign language to say i was sorry and quickly left the bathroom now fully awake and red as my glitches appeared around me

I turn my head and saw the discarded clothing of both Clementine and Shalltear making me gain a image of my head of the bathroom scene with them in their towels and how it hugged their figures i shook that away from my head

Why am i thinking about that why do i feel hot is this a reaction to what humans feel when met with all wemon

But that doesnt make sense Enri doesnt make me feel like this or Albedo or any other females i know only them

I then hear the bathroom door open making me freeze up as i felt arms wrap around my neck and feeling 2 round and soft mound on my back making me feel very hot i try to talk but all i could muster was a yelp as i felt a small figure arms pull me down and drop me on the bed

I open my eyes to see both shalltear and clementine both looking at me with a glint in their red eyes and a grin that i would never forget both still wearing towels so clearly still not clothed under i tried to distract myself with other things like whats happening and whats going on with my body but my eyes couldnt stop looking at their towel covered figures

Shalltear:Well well~Clementine you were right he likes what he sees~~

Clementine:Of course it only a normal reaction for a male such as himself~ but he went in the bathroom without knocking first what do you propose~

Shalltear:I say we teach our boy with a punishment~

Fatal:W-wait what i-im sorry i did-nt mean to-

Before i could finish talking both Clementine and Shalltear pull my jackey and shirt off making me glifch and blush hard as they both lick their lips shalltear clearly for my blood and clementine for my sensitive looking figure

Fatal:W-wait we have a meeting with The Guard-

Clementine:Shhh~ we will make this quick dont you worry your pretty little head~

Shalltear:Just relax and let us have what we want~~

Fatal:W-what do you want?

Clementine and Shalltear:Your Virgin-

Albedo:Whats Taking So Lon-

The room became dead silent as Albedo looked at me then at a towel covered Clementine and Shalltear who both had abit of a nervous look in their faces


Shalltear:Its not what it looks like!

Clementine:We just came out the shower and Fatal just awoke we were trying to say good morning!

Fatal:wait but i though you were gonna punis-

Shalltear covered my mouth before i could say anything but the air in the room became heavy it even made me sweat abit

Albedo:You tried taking...our Lord's brother's innocence this can not be overlooked!

And with that i saw shalltear and clementine now fully clothed getting reprimanded by my big sister figure albedo Ainz stood behind me clearly not knowing how to react but when i asked about why girls want me in a bed for punishment he avoided it completely with a

Ainz:Soon you will be considered so lucky by alot of people

Fatal: wha-

A/N:Well theirs that and remember this is not canon to the actual story just some fun filler hope it aint cringe

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