New Faces/Village?

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Momonga pov

I was sitting in my throne with almost all my guardians and with all the pleiades including sebas in both sides of the huge hall of the throne room we were waiting for Albedo and Shalltear to appear into the room ever since they messaged me about Fatal sudden awakening

We've been waiting for 20 minutes now and i started to get abit nervous inside of course i would assume the worst look at what happen before we couldve died..but before i could think more the huge doors open wide with Albedo walking straight over to me smiling as always as a blush form from her seeing me sitting

....i really messed up making her love me me and everyone in the room turn to the open doors as shalltear walked into the light pulling someone from the other end to get in....wh-

Shalltear:Come on dont be shy! Was clearly using more force then she is suppose to it was surprising to see that fatal could still hold on to whatever he was holding onto not to get in the hall

Fatal:No! I wont Face Him Like This!

Shalltear:Come on you look good in it! Just for now then you can change back!

Then shalltear fell back as i saw Fatal head poke out from the corner showing his white hair and left blue eye looking nervous

Fatal:F-fine I'll go j-just stand with them

With those words Shalltear huffed and walked towards where all the other guardians were all looking at her curiously well except mare who was looking forward at Fatal

We all then hear footsteps walking infront of me and when i look forwards my pupils disappear as my jaw hangs open seeing the "Male" Infront of me

(You could say thats the clothing shalltear made him wear for now)

A green aura appears around me 10 times still not able to understand the most powerful thing in this room dressing like a female

I heard some pleiades cooed at the sight and even shalltear mare clearly was happy why cause another boy is now a fucking trap!

I then calm myself clearing my non existent throat as all heads to to face me well not all fatal was still looking at the ground as if he killed someone

Momonga:Today we gather to introduce a being that had many Supreme Lords fall and is single handedly the most powerful of our Old World

i then stand up from my throne and point at fatal who looked shocked about my words

Momonga:As you all saw yesterday this being is strong enough to destroy all of Narzarik

Shalltear:strong and cute..sensitive to

Albedo: B-but th-

Demiurge:Thats Impossible!





I raise my hand which made everyone stay silent as i turn my head to face fatal

Momonga:Fatal Error! Are you our enemy or our allie! Your choice will affect mine and everyone here views of you

Dammit i used random bullshit and now what i offered is like joon me or die what if he chooses to kill us all dammit i feel st-


Fatal Error Sans/Reader x OverlordWhere stories live. Discover now