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Nfirea Pov

After the talk i had with Geno- or Y/N well Geno now cause he went back into his disguise which now seems like a lesser cute version of him...i dont care anymore i dont think anyone can deny Geno looks

We were back on the trail straight to Carne Village where i can finally see the person i love! But also to gather some herbs but that matters little cause today i will finally have more confidence to tell Enri i love her!

Of course things dont go so smoothly cause it seems Ninya detected some goblins and Orges coming straight towards us of course i knew i hired adventurers to protect me so they might have the skills necessary to handle these type of things but really i was mostly worried about my new friend geno

Remembering her huge slash wound only makes me thing that he will be one of the more weaker ones especially since it looked fresh and didnt seem to be healing any time soon...

But i was proven wrong when Momon Nabe and Geno run at the monsters clearly not caring about forming a plan or the numbers of the enemies Momon slice 2 orges in half which left the swords of darkness shocked...i guess thats not normal i then see nabe use some magic lighting based to disintegrate some goblins i turn my head to look at geno and was left surprise

He had a sword out that seemed to have come out of nowhere it had blue like strings on its handle with the metal looking red it glowed slightly making me guess it was maybe a sort of martial art

He slashed 3 goblins infront of him but without anyone else seeing i could see the wind pressure sort of form a slash and hit some goblins hiding in the grass

This left me without words sure they were all impressive but geno seemed to have more skills..i may not be a fighter but.nabe was careless to not look around more she is clearly arrogant Momon seems to not be good with the swords swing something that is infront of him and not use his huge blades to cover his back and sides with his swings but geno seems to know how to fight with a sword and seems to be more concentrated on the situation where did he learn t-

Geno:Nfirea! Nfirea! You saw how i killed them off!

Turning to face a very close geno i fell back abit feeling my face heat up but calmed down slowly as geno looked at me worried calm yourself Nfirea he is ur friend and is a male

Nfirea:I-im fine just was spooked by you..But yea i saw you kill them

Geno:I hope i wasnt too brutal...Maybe i could as Mare for some advice on using non lethal attacks

Nfirea:Oh? Who is this Mare

Geno:Oh another friend who is kinda like you...well he is shorter than me and you

He giggled at the last part...i wonder why i haven't met mare yet if geno is a friend of his then he must be a good person

I turn to see everyone looking at me and geno as he also turn his head to face them he smiled and waved i could see nabe hide a face of annoyance

I could sense a dread in the air from Momon Ninya was blushing Peter looked away to the side as of something happened Lukrut was gritting his teeth as if i killed someone and Dyne grinning....why are they acting so weird

Turning to look at geno i realised now how close he was not just close but he was sitting on my legs and had both his arms almost pinning me down i started to panic not cause.of this position although it was one but realizing that Geno "older brother" was gonna kill me...

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