Arrival/Unexpected Encounter

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Third Pov

We can see a female running out of the village to a forest holding a little girl in her arms before she falls over holding the little girl closely to protect her and then we hear 2 sets of metal armor footsteps closing in behind them one of the males laughing loudly as if the thought of killing is a funny thing

Older Girl:S-stay Away! We have done nothing wrong! Why are y-

She was interrupted by a slash from one of the armored males making a slash wound on her back as she let out a yelp of pain shaking as the little girl looked at the 2 men in fear

Armored Male 1:Quiet girl we will make this quick then return back to slaughter the re-

Armored male 2:H-hey?! Whats that?!

The male points at something infront of the 2 girls the girls turn to look and see a purplish and dark swirling circle infront of them like a portal to hell then all of the sudden a 2 meter tall figure came out the portal like thing his robe made him look bigger then he already was looking up the girls see a face of "Death" thats all they could think of when they saw this things face

A skull with sharp features and glowing red lights from its sockets like if they were eyes were gazing at the girls as if judging their soul

The 2 armored males start to freak out abit walking back slowly but stopped as blue strings grabbed onto their limbs with a heart shape appearing infront of their chest that also had these blue strings turning to the portal again where the strings were coming out of a human walks out

Or what they assume to be human as floating boxes appear around then and their skin seems to fade in and out of existence their right eye was completely red and looked to be melting with numbers 1s and 0s their white hair having a tint of red like blood to it a huge slash wound that looked to be open as their left blue eyes stares at the men with a look of hate

Armored male 1:W-what are you!!? What is it you want?!

Human figure:Your Demise...

Death:Fatal...dont play too much i would like to use their bodies for a experment....

Fatal:Of course...

Before the girls and men could react the men start to move not of their free will they move like puppets as the now named Fatal moves his fingers making the men get into a fighting stance against each other

Fatal:You like to attack woman and children..but what if you fight each other maybe i would let the one who lives go..

Both the men start to shake in fear try to break free from these strings that held them down..fatal moves his fingers again making both the men punch each other at the same time time with such force that it broke their own fingers from human bodies not being able to put so much force to a punch out of instinct

Fatal:I dont enjoy torture..but this is a special case..

Both men had tears one had his nose broken and bleeding the other had his front teeth broken also with tears in their face..they move again but with their other arm punching each other this time not breaking but now the punches didnt stop both had bruises all over theirselves both bleeding in different places...

After 3 minutes of this one of the males passes put due to the pain as the other with bruises on their body and face and armor broken was crying in pain as he turns his head to a stern looking fatal

Armored male 1:P-please look he is out for the co-count you will let me g-go Right?!

Fatal:when did i promise that..i clearly remember saying maybe i would..

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