Follower 1

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Affiliation:Follower to The figure and ???

Age:Looks to be 16 or older


Magic attribute:Healing shadows and

Looks:to be a dark purple but also grey human male figure who always seems to be floating all the time also seems to be dull having shadows that cover his wrist to his forearm and shadows covering his feet to his knee

Shadow transport
Can move in the shadows of any kind even of the shadow is dim from the light he could be inside of it or even teleport

Shadow control
Can manipulate shadows to his will using it mostly as a defense then offense

Shadow minions
This lets him summon 4 human shadow figures to attack each having their own set of moves

Shadow minion Swirl
This figure can be identified being a guman shadow with his eyes having the shape of swirls these eyes can move in a circular motion at such speed the the light glowing from it can blind a opponent and leave them open for any attack...this shadow can also use its eyes to control beings that are stronger than humans in any sense but is rarely used in a battle

Shadow minion Glow
This shadow can be describe to have just white eyes with tears streaks going down half its face this shadow is mostly used as a shield caster using its eyes to summon a pinkish light barrier despite being made of shadow but can also attack if the shield is broken to pieces the shadow can use these broken pieces to fire back at the opponent

Shadow minion Green
This shadow is described having a heart shape in the middle of its chest that is of a green color also having their eyes all green this shadow uses "pans" to attack their opponent and drain a life force of a being to give more life force to his wielder which in this case is the follower

Shadow minion Red
This shadow is almost like green just the heart shape is red and looks to be breaking the shadow chest this shadow even has white pupils and seems to think on its own it is a offensive shadow that goes to slash with its claw like hands at a opponent giving them a karma effect that will drain their health slowly it even can leave the shadow of its user to run after a opponent

"Imagine a world where your forgotten"

"Imagine having your life shards become spread out"

"I will bring him back"

"You are nothing in the presence of shadows...your light cannot pierce my shadows"


A/N:more bio or characters will be revealed more and more i hope ur excited to see how some mysterious oc ive made for this story

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