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                  3 Cute Friends

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                  3 Cute Friends

3rd Person Pov

We see the 3 friends sitting on the floor in a unfamiliar void of white just having one king sized bed amd a closet with Fatal clothing handing different types on for his butler job and the other for his human disguise

Mare:Sooo umm..hello Nfirea im M-mare..

Nfirea:Well hello to you to..Fatal has talked about you before and told me your quite good at magic

Mare:R-really i dont think i a-

Fatal:Dont doubt yourself Mare you are one of thr best at magic casting..

Fatal:I brought us here to get along not talk about our flaws

Fatal:you and Nfirea are the same always doubting yourselves i want to fix that!

Mare and Nfirea:What do you mean?

Fatal:Well i have made a scenario back in Narzarik where today we will serve the maids!

Mare and Nfirea:oh- Wait What?!

Mare:Bu-but Fatal i cant im.not good at those thi-

Nfirea:I cant even talk to people without stuttering especially if they are fem-

Fatal Error Sans/Reader x OverlordWhere stories live. Discover now