Chapter 8

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"Mom..." Boruto groaned out. Hinata gasped and looked up.

"... Boruto!" The very next moment, Hinata was hugging her still dazed son.

"Ack!" Boruto cried when his wrist moved while his mother hugged him. Hearing the pained noise, Hinata immediately let go of Boruto and flashed a relieved smile.

Suddenly, the door abruptly opened and Naruto, Kawaki and Himawari rushed inside. They had heard Hinata yelling Boruto's name so they came to check on him.

However, they weren't expecting Boruto to be awake, even though they actually wanted him to wake up.

"Boruto! Are you okay?" Naruto rushed towards his son's side and pulled him into a warm hug.

Suppressing a sob that threatened to escape from his throat, Boruto melted into his father's hug.

There's something special about Naruto's hug. Something that cannot be described with mere words. It is a comforting feeling. Knowing that he's safe in his father's arms and he will protect his son from all dangers.

"Too sentimental for someone who survived a suicidal attempt. My dear blue eyed boy, you don't need your father. You only need me and soon we'll be one."

The same distorted voice of Momoshiki rang in his head. Too tired to mask his discomfort, he couldn't even wipe away the salty saliva that oozed out of his mouth due to nausea, much to his irritation.

A large, warm hand wiped away the saliva that threatened to drop from his chin.

"Boruto, are you feeling okay?" Naruto's hand still on Boruto's chin, his father tilted Boruto's head upwards to meet his gaze.

Boruto met Naruto's concerned gaze, and he offered a lopsided grin, as if trying to convince everyone around him that he's smiling.

"Am... okay..."

Having mustered enough energy to mutter these two words, Boruto slipped into another deep sleep, while his family watched helplessly.

Himawari was hugging Hinata seeking comfort, and Hinata ran her slender fingers through the child's hair, assuring her big brother will be alright.

Kawaki clenched his fist and a pained expression replaced his usual scowl face. "You idiot brother..."

Naruto took a deep breath and tucked Boruto in the hospital bed.

"To... protect..." Boruto mumbled in his sleep while his family stood there watching him with a foreign feeling of emptiness.


One week have passed since Boruto woke up. Even though he wasn't doing anything and just staying in bed, he still looked tired.

In fact, he looked tired each passing day.

Tsunade and Sakura comforted him and visited him whenever they could. But Boruto remained the same.

He felt nothing at all. If he felt anything, he couldn't sense it. And he felt oddly calm.

"Sasuke-san..." Boruto uttered a word while Sakura was trying to get him to say something.

She momentarily paused and smiled softly.

"Sasuke went on an emergency mission with his brother and Kakashi last week. He should be arriving today."

As in a cue, the door opened and the three ninjas walked in.

Kakashi, Itachi and Sasuke.

When they went to report to the hokage about the mission, Naruto told Sasuke that Boruto was awake. After explaining the situation to Itachi and Kakashi who were out of the village since the whole ordeal happened, an inpatient Sasuke rushed to the hospital followed by the other two.

"Sasuke...San..." Boruto whispered again with dull and dead eyes without even glancing at them.

Sakura stood up and walked towards them. She shook her head sideways with a sad face, silently telling them that Boruto isn't responding to anyone.

For the rest of the day, Kakashi, Itachi and Sasuke tried to get Boruto talk to them but they made no progress.

They decided that they should stay in the village, in case something unfortunate happens.


Boruto was discharged from the hospital after another week. Total four weeks have passed and Boruto started to return to his usual self.

However he still refused to eat anything and sorta got used to the stomach pain.

His suicide plan failed. He should've been more careful to not let the mask slip away.

He can already feel Momoshiki taking control even when he's conscious. It's like having another personality.

It didn't take Boruto long to realise that he doesn't have much time left. If this continues like this, Konoha and the whole world will be destroyed.

And the only way to save his death.

This time, he will force things to end. And he WILL make sure, it will be a success.

To be continued...

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