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"I really enjoyed yesterday." I say while keeping my eyes on the book. I feel clays eyes on me, "is that so?"

"yes, you aren't as bad as I thought you were." i smile at him "that's great." he smiles back.
"we could do that again." i say and look back to my book.

"we could." he says.

"maybe even with Karl and nick." i look to him again "sure, why not?" he looks back at his phone.

"we could study together? at the library." I say "mah. I'm not that good with studying." he gives from him.

"what?" i say "I'm not good with sitting and reading a book until I get it, but we sure can do it sometime." he slowly gets up.

"I'll be off with nick." he says before leaving.

easier than I thought.

Clay POV

"what's up? why did you call me?" I enter nicks room "are you bored?" he asks "yes?" I look confused at him.

"why don't we go to the club tonight?" he asks "the club?" i raise an eyebrow, he nods.
"I don't know.." i say "come on- Karl and George will come too."

"maybe. I'll think about it." I say "is that the only reason you called me here?"
"nope. I want you to stay with me, I'm bored all alone in here."


after I agreed to come with them to the club, we didn't take much time and immediately made our way here.

"are we even allowed in here?" I ask "we're seventeen.." nick says and slowly looks to George "except from George." he laughs.

"huh- how old is he?" I look at George "sixteen." he answers. "you still can come in, just say-" I get cut off "I know what I've to say." George laughs.

and he actually knew.
because as soon as we tried to enter the club, they asked for our id's.

Karl, nick and I showed our id, George on the other hand played sick until the security was so annoyed by him that they just let him in.

"that was impressive." I say "what?" George turns his head to me "I said, that was impressive."

"nothing new." he looks away.
"I'll go get the drinks, you guys go sit down." Nick says before leaving us.

"are you a dance boy?" Karl asks "dance boy?" I laugh as I sit myself down "do you dance?" he asks.

"not really." I say and look over to George "what?" he says "do you guys dance?" i ask "yeah.. kinda. George dances when he's drunk."

"Is he good at it?"
"I guess you'll find out tonight." Karl looks at George, who's taking the drink from nick.

"thanks." I also take my glass.
"this is what I need." Nick sighs out before taking a sip out of his drink.

"you know that girl from yesterday?" I look to nick "yes? what about her?" he asks "she texted me."

"yeah? is she ready for a round two?" he smirks at me "nah- she wants something serious." I look away from him.

"you don't want something serious with her?" Karl suddenly asks, I turn to him "nope, not really."

he looks confused at me while George does the same.


"poor girl." George says "you're an asshole." Karl looks away from me. I look over to nick "don't look at me- I'm on their side." he says.

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