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Nick POV

"Karl are you serious right now?!" I shout after him "yes dude! get lost!" he shouts back "just- stop already!" I pull him by his wrist.

"aren't you mad at me? aren't you ignoring me!?" he shouts "that was because you danced with him!" I shout.

"I can dance with who I want!" Karl slaps my hand away "but not with a stranger!"
"yes! If I want to dance with a stranger I can! who are you to tell me what to do!?"

"I was worried, okay!"

"you didn't know him, neither did I. how could I not get mad when he can get that close to you after a few minutes, but I can't after years.."

he stays quiet and I watch how his anger disappears.

"I didn't like seeing you with him." I say "why?" he asks. "why?" I say "come on.. you can't ask me why."

"isn't it obvious that I like you?" I say and his eyes wide. "It's not obvious.. no." he mumbles and the both of us stay quiet.

I feel how my cheeks heat up.

"I've liked you for a long time Karl." I tell him "I never wanted to tell you.. looks like I failed." I awkwardly laugh.

"yeah, you failed.." he mumbles as he comes closer "I like that you failed." he laughs before placing his lips on mine.

I stood there for a few seconds, but quickly started to kiss him back.

"that was fast." I hear George behind us "oh-" I make. "I mean the made up thing. I would've been mad at Nick longer." he says.

I look to Karl "but I'm not." he laughs and I feel a smile on my face. "at least it's finally over. the whole nick thing." George sits himself down.

"the nick thing?" I look confused at Karl "nothing to worry about." he quickly says.

I look back to Karl but he keeps his eyes on George. I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek and let go of him.

George POV

I get back the test we wrote, only to see that I got 100/100 points. I feel the excitement in my body growing and I slowly look to clay who's smiling at me with an A+, just like me, on his test.

I show him my test.

"wow, you got better." he smirks "of course i did." I laugh.

still not better than him..

I look to nick and see him staring at Karl, when an idea comes to my mind. "hey- do you want to sit next to nick?" i ask Karl "huh- uhh yeah?"

I raise my hand. "what is it George?" mr T says "can I switch seats with Nick?" I ask and immediately feel everyone's eyes on me.

"uhh.. sure, why not." he says and turns around to the board. I take my things and quickly move places with nick.

"so you want to sit next to me?" Clay raises an eyebrow "I'm starting to like you, so yes." I force a smile.

"aha.." he makes "and I wanted to let them sit together." i look at them.

"I want you guys to solve these problems." mr T says and when I look to the board, i see 12 questions about Chemistry.

the only subject where I can't get an A+..

I look at Clay who's looking confused at the board. "what?" i say "these questions are easy- is he sure that they're for us?" he says.

and in that moment, i felt my breath getting taken away by him.

"easy?" i say "those questions aren't that easy-"
"for me they're." he looks to me.
"explain the sixth question to me." i say.

"alright.." he slowly starts to tell me how it really works with the copper and metal together in one.

It makes me angry.
It makes me want to kill him.

why does he know so much more than I do?
why is he so much smarter than I am?

"you got it?" he asks with a smile "yes.. thanks." I turn to my paper again.

very short one, sorry!

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