Chapter 4

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A few days passes since seeing Katsuki and I was back at my job. I had a few meetings with the fabric teams but we were short on the fabric we needed making Chloe mad at my workers. So I suggested I would go and buy them. 

Today I wore a black shirt with a grey skirt that went mid-thigh. I wore heels that went below my knees. I had a black bag. I wore a golden necklace and earrings including a bracelet. 

I also did simple makeup and made simple curls in my hair

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I also did simple makeup and made simple curls in my hair. 

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I got into my car and drove off toward the famous fabric store

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I got into my car and drove off toward the famous fabric store.
They sell the best fabrics and I make my employees go there every time. 

Once I got there, I went in and immediately an employee came over to me.
"Good morning! How may I help you?"
"Hi! I need a few fabrics." And off we went looking for the best fabrics. 

"Alright, thank you so much for your help." I smiled at the ladies.
"No problem. Have a good day." I waved and walked out the door.
I checked the bag one more time and bumped into someone.
"Woah! Sorry! I didn't see-"
"It's alright." I waved at him and bent down to pick up the fabric rolls.
"Here let me help."
I looked up at the person and realized I knew him from somewhere.
He had black hair tied in a low ponytail. He had straight white teeth too. 
".....Do I know you?"
"Uhh No. But I know you! You're Marinette Dupain-Cheng! The best fashion designer ever!"
"Oh wow. Thank you." I chuckled and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Well, I got to go. Thank you for helping me."
I waved and walked away. 
Huh? Strange.
I went to my car and was about to hop in but I felt someone watching me.
I froze and looked around but nothing.

"Alright. I'll be going now!"
"Bye, Ms. Marinette!"
"Bye Bella!"
I walked out of my building and went to my car.

Katsuki's POV:
Ever since Marinette left, I've had my men keep an eye on her.
I didn't want anyone hurting her and I wanted to know where she was at all times. Just in case.

"I told you to fucking keep them distracted!" I yelled at my men.
We were attacking a warehouse. This other small mafia group exploded one of my warehouses.
"Sorry, Don! We didn't know!"
"What the fuck do you mean you didn't know!? Fuck! Whatever!" I yelled and ran back inside to grab the boss. 
While I was sneaking around quietly, I heard a noise behind me.
I turned around and shot the guy who was behind me.
"Got you," I smirked but felt pain in my side.
"Shit!" I groaned and put my hand on the wound.
I turned around and saw a fist coming towards me.
I dodged and grabbed his wrist and pushed it down making him fall towards the floor. I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the side until he bled. 
I sighed and groaned when I felt pain in my side from the bullet that grazed my skin.

"Shut up! Get that guy! Get that fucking guy and kill him! He's useless! This is the third time! If he won't fucking do his job right then get fucking rid of him!"
"Alright, Don." Kirishima nodded firmly.
"Do you want that checked?"
"No! I'm fine." I groaned and walked away.
I got on my bike and groaned again.
"I got this. I can't go back to the warehouse....and home is too it." I smirked and sped off.

" I smirked and sped off

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I zoomed through the dark streets until I got to her penthouse apartment.
My men told me where she lived.
Pretty cool.
I'm glad she's living well.
Even if it's without me.
I sighed and got off my bike.
I groaned feeling my side throbbing.

I entered the building and went to the reception desk seeing a male sitting there looking at his phone.
I stood in front of him and waited for him to notice me.
"Yea what do you want?" He asked uninterestedly.
Right ok.
"Tell me which floor is Marinette Dupain-Cheng's floor."
"Sorry. I can't do that. Unless we were told she'll be having guests."
I sighed and leaned over and grabbed his collar.
"Listen here fucker! Tell me which fucking floor is hers! I'm her fucking boyfriend!"
"Alright alright. sheesh. I don't get paid enough anyway." He muttered and went into his computer. 
"20th floor."
"Whatever," I muttered and walked away and into the elevator. 

Once I got to her floor, the elevator doors opened and I saw her huge penthouse.
"Woah.." I whispered.
Fuck I feel so proud of her. 
I felt pain in my side again so I went in.
"Hey, Alya! I told you not to come to my place without telling me!" I heard and saw her coming down these steps.
She was wearing a pink coloured top and shorts. Fuck. 

"Katsuki!?" She froze and stared at me with wide eyes

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"Katsuki!?" She froze and stared at me with wide eyes.
"Hey." I casually leaned against the wall when I realized I had a wound on my side and groaned. 
"What's wrong?" She asked but didn't come closer.
"Need a little help." I gestured towards the blood on my side seeing her breath hitch.
"You're hurt!"
"No shit." I chuckled watching her run around grabbing stuff.
"Come here." I went to the sofa where she was sitting on the floor.
"Sit down." I sat down and lifted my shirt.
"Oh god." There was a lot of blood.
"Take off your shirt. You'll need stitches. Is there a bullet in there or something?"
"Nope." I took off my shirt and looked down at her. 

(Pretend he's sitting down)

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(Pretend he's sitting down)

I saw her eyes widen looking at my body.
I smirked seeing her check me out.
I saw her squeeze her plush thick thighs together. 
I leaned down a bit and whispered close to her.
"As much as I love seeing you squirm....." She blushed bright pink.
"I'm losing blood, Blueberry," I smirked seeing her blush darker and grab a washcloth.
She immediately started cleaning my wound wiping off all the extra blood.
She got her needle and thread and got ready to stitch me up.
"....Now I know why you used to come to the dorm with bruises." She said.
Before I would come back to the dorm with bruises and cuts. Sometimes I would need stitches too. 

"There. How are you feeling?"
"Fine." I nodded and she smiled and started packing up her stuff.
She stood up and left.
She came back and sat down next to me.
"Do... Ummm you need something?" She wrung her fingers together, something she does when she's nervous. 
"You don't have to be nervous around me......I'm still the same."
"Yea...I-I know...Um..."
"Fuck....I'm sorry for yelling at you that day." I muttered.
".....It's fine." She mumbled.
I looked at her seeing her looking around. 
" going to explain everything?" She asked nervously.
"Nope. Just know what I do is dangerous. And I don't you to know anything."
"Oh..." She looked down. 
"Anyways." I stood up and grabbed my shirt.
"I got to go now. Thanks for fixing me."
"No problem." She stood up and walked me to the elevator.
"I'll see you later."
"Sooner then you think." I winked and the elevator shut. 

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