Chapter 14

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After getting our meals, we started eating and talking happily.
"God I love Italian~" I moaned and closed my eyes. 
"That's why I brought us here."
"Thank you!" 
"Damnit." He looked at his phone.
"I got to take this. Give me 5 minutes. I'll be back." He stood up and pecked my forehead.
"Alright." I smiled and stuffed my mouth with more slides.
"God!" I moaned. 
"Looks like you're enjoying yourself."
"Hm?" I looked up to see the waiter again.
"Oh hey.." I muttered while covering my mouth.
I hate it when people disturb my eating. 
"How's the food?"
"It's so good!"
"I'm glad. So where's the guy?"
"Oh...he had a phone call to take. He'll be back in a few minutes." I shrugged while eating more slides. 
"That's not cool. If I were on a date with a pretty girl, I wouldn't leave them for a phone call."
"Well, he works. And is busy. So yea. I don't mind. I get to steal his food." I said giggling while grabbing his plate.
"Get your fucking filthy self away from my fucking girl!" I jumped and saw the waiter freeze and turn white.
"Katsuki!" I smiled and waved at him.
He grabbed the back of the waiter's shirt and pushed him away from us.
"Don't come back. Send someone else," he said while glaring at the waiter and sitting down in front of me. 

"Are you ok, Katsu?"
"I'm annoyed by that idiot! Didn't he see me with you!"
"Sometimes they want to be jerks and annoying. Don't listen to him. This was amazing."
"Where the fuck is my plate!?"

"Where to next!?" I asked excitedly while holding Katsuki's hand. 
"Surprise." He winked.
"Ugh~" I groaned. 
We walked for a bit more and then I realized we entered a park filled with kids, families, and couples.
"What's going on here?"
"Shh." he patted my head making me giggle.
We walked towards an empty area.
"Katsu." I pulled his hand.
"I want the stuffy." I pointed to the stand.
"Fuck. Hopefully, I still have my game." Katsuki said cracking his knuckles and walking to the stand.
It was a gun game.
"I got this." Katsuki aimed and got ready.
"You got this, Katsu."
"Shhh." He swatted my face away making me laugh. 

"There you go." The man said giving Katsuki the big teddy bear.
"There you go, Blueberry."
"Thanks!" I wrapped one arm around Katsuki and the other around the neck of the bear. 
"He's so cute!" I squealed.
"Let's go." He pulled my hand and pulled me to an empty area.
"Get ready." He took the bear from me and put it in front of us. 
"What's going on?"

I looked up to see the most beautiful fireworks. Different colours fill up the dark sky. 
I covered my mouth and gasped.
"Katsu!" I looked to the side to see him staring at me with a huge smile.
"Be my girlfriend?"
"Fuck!" He grabbed me and kissed me at the fireworks. 
Our lips moved together making my heart flutter.
We both ended up breaking the kiss because we kept smiling. 
"Thank you." He mumbled and pecked my forehead making me smile. 

"That was amazing!" I jumped around.
"I'm glad you liked it."
"Hey! Excuse me!" An older man ran up to us panting when he reached us.
"What do you want old man?"
"It's alright. You both are a very cute couple. So I took some pictures." He gave me an envelope and while I was looking through them Katsuki kept screaming.
"The fuck!? You were fucking being a creep!?"
"Katsuki! Look!"

"The fuck!? You were fucking being a creep!?""Katsuki! Look!"

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"Woah.......alright...these are good. Thanks, man. Here." Katsuki gave him $50 but the old man declined.
"No no. It's alright. I just wanted to give you two something to remember about this moment. Good night!" He said then walked off. 
"These are amazing Katsuki!" I said happily while staring at the photos. 
"Yep. You look beautiful in them."
"And you look handsome." I kissed his jaw.
"Let me take you home. It's getting late." He muttered while putting his hand on my waist and guiding me back to the car.

He walked me to my building and up the elevator.
"Thank you for the night Katsuki. It was amazing."
"Anytime, Blueberry. Expect more. You're my girlfriend now."
"I know." I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Can I have a good night kiss?"
"Of course," I whispered and he leaned down and pecked my lips.
"More?" I whispered.
He leaned down again and kissed me deeper making me moan lightly. 
"Good night."
"Good night, Katsu." 
He pecked my forehead and let me get off the elevator and he stayed inside.
I watched the doors close and watched him go down. 

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