Chapter 25

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I was zooming down the road with my bike, trying to get there as fast as possible.

"Woooh! Go Kachaan!"
"Shut u-"
The lights turned off at Sero's place.
We were having a small hangout since we didn't hang out for a while due to college exams when the power went off.
"Shut up Dunce Face! You scream like a girl."
"I'll go start the generator." We all grabbed our phones and turned on the flashlight until Sero turned the power back on.
"Thank god!"
We all stared at Dunce Face.
"Uhh I-I mean woo hoo! We get to play video games!"
"And you're going to be in my gang because......?"
"Whatever." We looked outside seeing it pouring with thunder.
"Whoops. Looks like the dorm building lost power too." Kirishima said looking at the dorm building from the window.

After hanging around for a few more hours, I left at 1:30 am.
Everyone's powers were still off besides ours and a few other houses.
I got on my bike and zoomed down the road and to the dorm building which was just a few streets away. 
Once I parked my bike in my spot, I went inside and climbed the stairs since the elevators don't work and went to my door and opened the door to the dorm room Marinette and I share. 

"Blueberry!" I yelled and closed the door.
I took off my shoes and put them on the side.
The lights were off still so I just used the light from my phone.
"Oi! Babe!"
".....Baby! I'm home!"
"Katsu?" I heard a whisper.  
"Hey, baby. Where are you?" I asked while pointing the flashlight everywhere.
"Oof!" I felt a weight on my back and arms around my neck.
I felt wetness at the back of my neck.
"Baby? What's wrong? Let me see you!" I tried moving her around so I could see her but she didn't budge. 
"I-I...Katsuki!" She squealed when the thunder hit again really loud.
I grabbed her wrists and pulled them apart. I held onto her and leaned her down to her feet bending my back backwards.
I then turned around and she clung to my chest.
"Shhh, it's ok, baby girl. I'm here. Don't cry. Tell me what's wrong. Didn't I tell you I don't like it when you cry?....... Unless I'm fucking you?"
"Stop it, Katsuki!" She sobbed harder making my heart twist.
I sighed and bent down a bit and grabbed her.
I let her wrap her legs and arms around me. I let her soak up my neck with her tears and snot.
I just rubbed her back and thighs while walking towards our bed trying not to fall. 

Once I found the bed and sat down, I continued rubbing her back.
"Tell me what's wrong, baby girl."
"I was so scared! The electricity was turned off! I couldn't call anyone! I couldn't see anything since my phone wasn't with me! It was scary and dark!"
"I'm so sorry baby girl. I should've come home earlier." I hugged her tightly letting her know how sorry I am and how much I love her. 

"You're so strong, baby. I love you so much." I muttered and ran my nose up her neck and to her cheek.
"Wanna fuck?"
"Katsu!" She slapped my chest.
"C'mon! It'll help! You'll feel so much fucking pleasure you'll forget about your fear!" I kissed up and down her neck, leaving little bites.
"Katsu~" She gripped my hair and grounded her hip on my already hardening boner making me let out groans. 
I flipped us over onto the bed pinning her hands above her head.
"Ready?" I couldn't see her but I felt her nod her head.

I quickly parked my bike in my parking spot and ran inside the huge building. 
I quickly ran up the stairs since the elevators were off. 
I pushed open the door leading to her penthouse and tried opening her door.
It was locked. She never had to use it before. 
I banged my shoulder against it trying to open it knowing Marinette wouldn't move from wherever she is. 
Once I got the door open, I grabbed my phone and used the light to look for her.
"Marinette! Blueberry! I'm here! Call for me, baby! Please!"
I heard sniffles from upstairs so I ran up the stairs and started looking in the hallway.

I was about to walk to the other side when something grabbed my foot making me trip and fall on my back.
I grabbed my phone and put it in front just to see Marinette's small form on the floor holding onto my ankle with tears pouring down her face and the collar of my shirt falling down her shoulder showing a little of her boob.
"Hey." I sat up and grabbed her arm.
I put the phone against the wall so the light shines on us, and pulled her closer to me.
I made her straddle me while I wrapped my arms around her and tucked her face into my neck.
"It's ok. I'm here now. Sorry, I took so long, baby." I mumbled and pecked her temple.
"I missed you." She sniffled and mumbled into my neck wrapping her arms around my neck. 
"I missed you too, baby." 
"What were you doing in the hallway baby?" I asked her while pulling her face so I could see her.
"I-I.....I thought there would be light downstairs from outside but the hallway was so dark and I-"
"Shh, it's, ok now. I got you, baby."

We ended up laying on her bed listening to the storm outside.
Her arms and legs were wrapped around me while I had one arm over her waist and the other running up and down her thigh. 
She was in one of my large shirts and shorts, and I was wearing a black tank top with sweats.
We were covered in 2 of her huge blankets because it was getting cold now. 
"Hm?" I hummed while she snuggled more into my neck.
"I'm cold.." She muttered.
"Hmmmm." I hummed thinking of another way for us to warm up.
She's a small thing and get's cold very easily. 
"Wanna fuck?"
"Katsu!" She slapped my chest making me chuckle.
"What? You'll warm up and we might just fall asleep too."
"Hm?" I hummed while kissing her neck.
"Fine...." She mumbled and let out a breath when I started massaging her boob. 

I turned over and pushed her underneath me.
The blankets were over me and making a cover on the sides of us.
I started kissing down her neck leaving bite marks.
Her hands were in my hair, pulling and scratching. 
I pulled off her shirt and threw it somewhere and kissed down her chest.
I grabbed one of her boobs and started sucking on it making her let out moans and groans. 
I massaged the other one while I kept sucking the first one. 
I can already feel our bodies warming up. 

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