Chapter 18

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"Oi! Wake up bitch!" I felt a kick on my side making me groan and look to the side to see man #1. Yep. I named him man #1. 
"Breakfast. Now eat." he dropped a tray with bread and rice.
"Gee, thanks," I muttered and looked down at the food.
"Whatever bitch."

I've been here for 3 days. Alone in this dark cold room. The only person who comes here is man #1 and man #2 who always makes sure the doors and my chains are locked. I'm still in the same dress which is now ripped and dirty. 

I miss Katsuki. I wonder what he's doing right now.

Katsuki's POV:

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING!?" I slammed my fists against the table making everyone gasp and look down. 
"She's been gone for 3 fucking days! Your fucking queen has been missing for 3 fucking days! She could be fucking dead by now and if she is you all better fucking pray!"
"Bakubro....clam down. They wouldn't kill her because they need her to get to you."
"Alright! So fucking find the location!"
"On it, Don." 
"Fuck." I sighed and rubbed my face.
"Marinette.....where the fuck are you?" I whispered looking at all their locations but none of them have her.

"Don we found her!"
"Fuck, let's go!"

Marinette's POV:
I'm so tired.
I've been rubbing my wrists against the stone wall trying to rip the rope. 
They decided they could go easy on me and just tie my hands up. 
It got loose so now I'm waiting for the perfect time.
"Oi! Bitch! Time for dinner." He muttered putting the tray of food on this big barrel just sitting here.
I pushed my head against the barrel, breaking it and knocking down the man. 
From the force of my moving the rope broke and I ran out of the room and locked it before the man can run after me.
(I got this scene from this new anime I'm watching. Snow-white with red hair.)
I started running down the halls, looking for an exit. 
"Find the girl!"
"Shit..." I muttered and ran into another door.
"Ah!" I looked back seeing my dress get caught in the wall. 
"No no," I muttered trying to pull it.
I ended up ripping half of my dress.
"No time," I muttered and ran off.
I found another door, so I opened it only to find.......

"What are you doing here? Did they kidnap you too?"
"No...I was part of the kidnapping...."
"I'm sorry. But I need you to go back inside."
"No! Hell no! I'm not going anywhere with you!" 
"Well too bad!"
"C'mon Adrien! I thought we were friends! I-I thought you liked me!"
"I did. I do. But you broke my heart!"
"I didn't, Adrien! Katsuki's my ex! And he-he........I had to date him again. I had no choice."
"Yes! In reality...I liked you. But I was afraid since you were my employee." I muttered. 
"Yes really." I walked up closer to him. 
"I really do like you. So what? You're still going to give me to the bad guys?"
"Too bad," I muttered and punched him straight in the face remembering how Katsuki told me t punch in High School. 

"Alright, so if you ever need to protect yourself or if someone is talking shit about you or whatever, you put your fist like this...." Katsuki grabbed my hand and made it into a fist. 
"Always make sure your thumb is out, alright? I don't want you breaking a finger." 
"Ok." I nodded and paid attention.
"Turn your hips and fully relax. Put all your weight into your arm and fully extend your arm. Got it?"
"Yes, Katsu."
"Good. Now throw a punch at me." He said walking in front of me.
"Got it. Ah-"

"Ya!" I threw a good punch in his face making Adrien pass out. 
"Nice," I muttered and shook out my fist. 
I started running fast now that I was outside.
I ran into the forest trying to hide behind the bushes and trees.
I heard rumbling and whooshing so I hid behind a bush.
I saw black cars and bikes passing me at full speed and going toward where I came from.
"Phew. Now time to go home." I muttered.

Katsuki's POV:
 After finding her location, we sped off.
I got on my bike and zoomed down the riads trying o get to her as fast as possible.
We passed a huge forest and found a huge house-looking building. 

I ran up to the first door and saw Adrien laying there passed out.
"The fuck?" I kicked his stomach gently to see if he was passed out. 
He was.
"Woah," I muttered.

We searched the whole place and killed every single one of them but couldn't find Marinette.
We asked them and they said she was there but she disappeared. 
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I muttered walking in a circle.
"Fucking Deku! You better have a good exclamation why you're not fucking here helping me find my fucking girl!?"
"....Uhh Kachaan...I think...I found her?"
"WHAT! Where the fuck are you? .........WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING THERE!?"
"I don't know. But she's passed out and dirty and her fist looks bruised. And she might be bruised in other places."
"Alright. I'm coming!"

By the time I got to my destination, my heart was pounding.
There she was laying in Deku's lap, bruised, dirty, and her dress ripped.
"Fuck." I ran and sat down in front of them.
I grabbed her body and brushed my fingers gently against her dirty bruised cheeks.
"My Blueberry......what did they do to you?" I whispered and kissed her forehead.
"Go home. You have the day off."
"Thank you, Don." They bowed their heads and walked off toward their vehicles.
"And......thank you," I muttered and they all froze.
"No problem, Don." They muttered and drove off. 

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