Chapter 8

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"Hey, Marinette."
"Hey, Adrien. How are the outfits going?" I asked leaning back in my seat. 
"They're going good. Half of them are finished. Mine are ready. We're going to do the practice model walks as soon as all the other ones are finished."
"Alright, good." I nodded and went back to my work.
"So...ummm is your friend around?" He asked.
"Ummm he said he's coming. But maybe he's a little busy."
"I see. So I was wondering about that date?"
" and you?"
"Sorry, buddy. She's busy." Katsuki said walking inside my office with his mask on as usual.
"She never said that." Adrien glared at him.
Katsuki stared at his face for a while and then walked towards me.
"She's busy. End of discussion."
"Katsuki. Stop. Sure, Adrien. We can hang out. As friends." I said sternly while looking at my designs.
"....Fine. I'll text you."

Katsuki turned my chair around so I face him.
"Katsuki?" I asked looking up at him.
He was wearing a black hoodie with a black jacket. He wore a black cap and a black mask. 

(Damnnnnn doesn't he look finnnneeee????? ;))

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(Damnnnnn doesn't he look finnnneeee????? ;))

"Done eye fucking me?"
"What?" I blushed and looked up at his face seeing him smirk.
"Stop~" I whined and covered my face.
"Fuck you're adorable." He said and then bent down and grabbed my wrists to uncover my face.
"But I don't mind you eye fucking me, baby girl. Maybe? You can even fuck me the real way?" He smirked and came closer to my face.
"Katsuki!" I jumped back in my chair and squirmed but he didn't let go of my wrists. 
"Please!" I blushed bright red I thought I was going to pass out.
"Fine." He chuckled and let go of my wrists and I turned around in my seat immediately. 

"Hm?" He hummed from the couch by the window.
"Why...why don't you want me hanging out with Adrien?"
"Just because." he shrugged.
" can't tell me who to and who to not hang out with."
"Said who?" He kept looking out the window looking down at the city. 
"I said. We're not dating or anything. You have no control over me. I can go out with anyone and you can't say anything." I said.
I realized that ever since he came back into my life, he always says no to Adrien. 
"I do have control over you. I always had and I still have. If I say no then that fucking means no." He said now glaring at me.
"Excuse me?" I looked at him weirdly.
"I'm serious. I don't want to ever know you hung out with him. Especially alone. Remember that other dude you hung out with? What was his name? Kyle? No...Kaden." I froze remembering the events that day. 
"Fuck you." I glared.
I turned back in my seat and continued my work.
I hate him.
He was so nice and then he turned into a possessive douchebag. 
Trust me, I love his possessive dominating side. But right now we're not dating. 

"Oi!" My chair was spun around and Katsuki leaned down and glared at me.
"Don't ever fucking curse. Remember? Remember how I used to spank your ass for cursing. Want me to do it again? I don't fucking care if anyone even sees us. We may not be together but hell, I own you! You were made for me and only me. I was your first everything and I'll be your last as well! If I say not to hang out with that blonde idiot! Then fucking listen to me!"
"....." I stared at him with eyes filled with hatred.
"Just fucking listen to me, ok? Please?" He asked getting down on his knees and holding my hands tightly.
"Just.....Please?" he whispered.
"....Fine," I whispered.
"Thank you, Blueberry." He whispered and pecked my hands.
In our whole dating years, one thing I noticed about Katsuki is that he never begs. And when he does. When he gets down on his knees and means he's serious. So I know that reason why he doesn't me hanging out with Adrien is serious. 
"Anyways...I have to get going. I'm coming over to your place tonight. Movie night. Alright?" he stood up and patted my head.
"Alright." I nodded.
"I'm sorry if I was a little harsh. But please."
"I get it. Ok? I'll see you tonight." I smiled.
"Alright. See ya, Baby girl." He pecked my forehead leaving me blushing.

katsuki's POV:
"Figured out which group attacked us?" I asked my security guys.
"We don't know the name but their symbol is a red dragon. Each of them has a tattoo of it on their wrist. 
I looked at all of their wrists realizing they all have a red dragon tattoo. I even looked at the green-eyed guy. They were all wearing face masks and covered their hair. 
"Figure out which group this is. I want all the information on them. Who's the boss. Where they are. Everything." I said leaving the room and going to my office. 

It was time to go to Marinette's place for movies so I turned off my laptop and put it away. 
I grabbed my phone seeing my wallpaper a picture of me and Marinette in our high school years. 


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We had just finished our exams and passed with flying marks. 

"Yes! Katsuki!"
"I know! I'm so fucking proud of you!" I said wrapping my arms around her waist and spinning her in the air. 
"Thank you! For studying with me!"  She said giving me a big kiss on my lips. 
"God I love you so much," I mumbled against her lips. 
"I love you too!"
"We love you guys too!" Someone yelled and both of us got pushed to the floor.
"Oi! Shittyhair!" I yelled at my friends who tackled us to the ground.
"Marinette? Are you ok?" I asked her while pulling her up.
"Yep!" She giggled and wrapped her arms around my chest
"Thank you again." She smiled. 
I chuckled and pushed her sunglasses down to cover her eyes. The sun was too bright today.
I pulled my sunglasses down too and wrapped an around her waist. 
"Say cheese!" I looked at Shittyhair and gave him my middle finger while Marinette just smiled and leaned against my chest.
"I love you," I mumbled and pulled her for a kiss.
"I love you too." She mumbled and kissed me back.
Our lips moved together slowly.
I used the tip of my tongue and traced her bottom lip. 
She opened her mouth and I pushed my tongue in.
She broke the kiss when she couldn't breathe and laid her head on my chest. 

I smiled and closed my phone and got up.
"Time to see my Blueberry." I chuckled. 

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