Chapter 6

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A few weeks passed and Katsuki still comes over to visit.
Sometimes we hang out the whole day and he ends up coming over to my place for a movie or two. 

"Hmm." I hummed in my sleep.
"Ngh!" I swatted the thing that was distracting my sleep.
"Blueberry~ Time to wake up~"
"Shut up," I said and snuggled more into my pillows.
"Alright then. I'll just call this.....Bella? And let her know you're not coming and are too busy sleeping. When it is 12:30...."
"......WHAT!?" I jumped off my bed and looked at my clock to see it was 12:30. I saw Katsuki holding my ringing phone.
"Marinette! Where are you!? You're late-"
"I-I know. I-I'm so sorry. I'll be there right now. Move all my appointments to when I get there. I'll start everything as soon as I get there! Bye!" I threw my phone at Katsuki and ran to my bathroom.
"You should've woken up when I woke you up."
"And when was that?" I asked taking a quick rinse in the shower.
"When your alarm rang. I turned it off, so I can wake you up but you didn't."
"Why are you even here?" I asked brushing my teeth.
"Felt bored." 
I groaned and ran to my closet to get dressed. 
I wore a black shirt tucked into rose-pink pants and wore a rose-pink jacket. I grabbed a black bag and wore a necklace. I put my messy dark blue hair into a messy bun. 

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"I got to go," I said grabbing some files of designs

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"I got to go," I said grabbing some files of designs.
"Where's my goodbye kiss?"
"Shut up!" I blushed bright pink and ran down the steps with my heels in my hands. 
"I made you breakfast!" He said running down the steps.
"Aww thank you!" I grabbed a waffle and bit into it while struggling to put my heels on.
"Here." Katsuki grabbed my heels, bent down on a knee, and put my heels on properly.
"Good?" He looked up at me and smiled and I freeze.

"Babe! We're going to be late!"
"I'm coming!" I said grabbing my heels and going downstairs.
There's a big party for the high schooler graduates. 
"Babe! Shut up Shittyhair!" I see Katsuki yell into his phone but gave me a cute smile making me blush.
"Hey, baby." He said coming to me and giving me a peck. 
"You look beautiful." He said pecking my neck. 
"Here." He took my heels and bent down putting them on for me.
"Good?" He looked up at me and smiled making me smile and blush. 

"Huh?" I looked down and realized I'd been staring.
"Sorry," I mumbled and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. 
"It's alright." He mumbled and squeezed my waist. 
"Let's go."
"I'll drop you off on my bike."
"Wait! What?" I asked when we got off the elevator.
"You used to love it!"
"I-I know! But now I'm older! It's been forever!"
"It's fine." He said giving me a helmet.
"This....this is my old one.."
"Yep. Never threw it out." He said getting on the bike.
"Did someone use it?" I asked looking in the helmet.
"Nope! It always belonged to you." He said putting his helmet on.
I blushed and put it on.
"You gotta go slow. I'm scared now."
"You'll be fine." He said and helped me on the bike.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my hands rest against his stomach. His ab-filled stomach. His 6-pack ab-filled stomach.
"Yep." I patted his stomach and he zoomed off making me scream.
"Katsuki! I said go slow!" I screamed holding onto his tighter. 
"You need to get there fast right? Let's go faster!" He revved the motor and sped through the traffic.
"Katsuki!" I laughed and put my head against his back. 
I could feel his back shaking meaning he was laughing.
I miss this.
Riding with Katsuki at night feeling the wind in my hair.

"Katsuki. I'm serious. I have to study."
"I know. But you've been studying so much. You need a break." He said pulling me with him outside.
"Where are we going?" 
"A little ride?" He asked showing me my helmet.
".....Fine." I smiled and grabbed it.
He chuckled and climbed onto his bike and helped me on.
"Ready?" He asked putting his helmet on.
"Let's go!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around his waist.
He revved it and sped off out of the college parking lot. 
"Yes!" I screamed feeling the wind go through my hair.

"I love this song!" Katsuki's playlist started in our headphones.
"You're cute enough to fuck with tonight!"
We both laughed singing the lyrics.
"Call me when you want. Call me when you need. Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way."
"Call me when you want. Call me when you need. Call me out by your name, and I'll be on my way."
We both laughed and he went faster down the empty road. 
"Thank you...Katsu." I whispered when the song was changing.
"Anytime, Blueberry."
"I love you."
"I love you too. So damn much." He held my hand that was on his stomach and we continued our ride.

"Blueberry! Marinette!"
"What!" I jumped and looked around seeing us in front of my building.
"You spaced out ok?"
"Yea I'm fine. I was just thinking."
"You sure?"
"Yes. Thank you for the ride. Bye." I gave him a quick hug and ran inside for my meetings. 

Katsuki's POV:
I sighed and got off my bike once I got to my warehouse that just got broken in. 
I don't understand why my fucking men can't do their fucking jobs.
I walked in and stuffed my hands into my pockets. 
I wore a tight black shirt that clung to my chest and abs. I knew Marinette was feeling my abs up. I also wore jeans and white shoes. I had a watch on a silver chain around my neck. 

I walked into my warehouse seeing some of my men doing their jobs

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I walked into my warehouse seeing some of my men doing their jobs.....while the ones who messed up stood in a line in front of me.
"Alright....let me get this fucking warehouse....was broken in.....right?"
"Yes sir." They all nodded.
"Right...ok. And...uh, Where the fuck were you guys!? Huh!? Weren't you guys on duty!? Weren't you guys supposed to be keeping watch!?"
"Answer me!"
"Yes sir." 
The man fell making everyone flinch.
Smoke came out of my gun.
I sighed and blew against my gun and put it back in my jeans.
"," I said sternly.
"Yes, Don?" Shittyhair came.
"Take them. To the cells. Handle them." I walked away looking around the warehouse.
I had to see what was taken and how much and what to do now. 

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