Chapter 24

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"And I want all information on them. I want to know why they attacked. Wasn't the Don at the party?" Katsuki was on his phone yelling out questions while I sat on the sofa in his office reading a book.
I decided to take a few days off to take care of Katsuki. And I am the boss, so I can take a break whenever. But I left work for them to do. 
"I don't fucking care what you have to do! Did you fucking catch the sniper!?"
"God! If I was not in that fucking building, I would've caught the fucking sniper! Fucking useless!"

I looked under his table and realized there was a space in the wood.
I got an idea so I closed my book quietly and stood up.
He didn't notice me.
I walked slowly to the front of his desk then bent down and crawled through.
"I don't fucking care!" He yelled into the phone.
I sat in front of him but underneath the desk. 
I slowly reached out to grip his belt making him tense up.
He looked down at me with wide eyes.
I smiled innocently and winked at him making him flush lightly. 

I pulled his belt off making him shudder.
He continued shouting at whoever was on the other line.
I pulled his pants down and ran my finger on his dick covered by his boxers.
"Fuck~ What! No!"
His dick was really hard and stood strong.
I pulled his boxers down a bit making his dick spring up. 
I gripped it tightly with my hand making him hiss and grip the edge of the table.
I jerked his dick off for a few seconds then pushed the whole thing in my mouth rubbing the part I couldn't take.
"Fuck! I got to go! I'll deal with you later!" He threw his phone in his office and pushed his chair back a bit.
"The fuck you think you're doing?" He asked glaring down at me with his dick just sitting there in my mouth. 
I shrugged innocently.
"Sneaking under my table and taking off my belt. Who permitted you?"
I pointed at myself and he just smirked evilly. 

He gripped my hair and pulled me closer showing his dick down my throat and making me choke.
"You think you're all that but you're fucking nothing besides my slut! Suck!" I took him out of my mouth and took a deep breath, then started. 
I took him down my throat making him moan and throw his head back. 
He gripped my hair tightly and made me move faster.
"Fuck~ Just like that. Good girl. Fuck~" He threw his head back but his grip on my hair got tighter.
I gripped his balls and massaged them making Katsuki jump and moan out loud. 
"Fuck...I'm going-fuck fuck! I'm going to cum!" He gripped my head and made me stay put and came deep down my throat.

I came up, licking his dick and cleaning it up.
"You're such a bad girl." He tsked. 
"But. You. Like. It." I said while climbing up his body with each word.
"Fuck~ When did you become such an incubus?" 
"I don't know," I muttered while sitting on his lap and caressing his cheek and slight stubble.
"You're so gorgeous." He muttered and held my hips. 
"Thank're handsome," I muttered while pecking his lips.
"Give me a kiss."
I leaned down again and gave him another peck but then leaned down the gain and gave him a better kiss.
"Mmm~" His grip on my hips tightened.
I broke the kiss and leaned down and started kissing down his neck making him groan.
"Fuck....SHIT! Not that fucking hard!" I released his skin from my teeth leaving a red mark. 
"Fuck~ You always did love biting." He muttered while rubbing his neck. 
I smiled cheekily while he glared at me.
"What, you think this is funny?"
"Why you-" I jumped off of his lap and ran out of his office and down the hall.
"Oi! Come back here!"

Katsuki dropped me off at my place later on during the day because he had some business to do and didn't want me to be home alone. 

I was in my room designing some outfits when I heard thunder. 
I looked out my huge window seeing the dark sky getting filled with dark clouds. 
I squeaked and jumped.
I looked back at the window seeing how scary it is.

I looked back at the window seeing how scary it is

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I was always scared of thunder.
It was scary, loud, and bright. 
I love rain but not thunder. Especially now since I have a huge penthouse and I'm all alone.
I stood up to leave my room and go somewhere that has no windows when the lights turned off.
"AHHHHH!" I screamed and dropped to the ground.
I opened my eyes to look around but only saw pitch darkness.
All the lights from the other buildings from my window were off as well making the city look pitch black beside the light from the thunder. 

I closed my eyes and told myself everything was ok and crawled out of my room while bumping into my walls, door, and other stuff I threw on the floor.
I got to the hallway, but looking down, I realized how dark it was and froze.
"Oh god." I muffled my cries with my hand.
I hated being alone, especially in the dark.
I moved back and leaned against the wall trying to muffle my cries.

Katsuki's POV:
"And get it fucking right this time! I had to fucking leave your Queen!"
"Yes sir."
A huge thunder went out and then the lights turned off.
"I didn't do it!"
"We know fucking Dunce Face!" I yelled out to wherever he was.
"Shit..." I muttered and tried looking for my phone.
I grabbed it from my pocket and turned the flashlight on seeing everyone grabbing theirs as well.
"The power went out. Can't do much without it. I want double the guards by the shipment area to make sure no enemies use the blackout as an entry. I want double the guards by the cells as well and by all entries and exits."
"Got it, Don." I walked away with my flash light and got to my office upstairs.

"What should I do?" I hummed.

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