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 Chapter 41 Wild Vegetables, Pork and Egg Buns

  Ye Yanchang looked around, tusk, her titular husband, she looks really handsome.

   "I want to eat wild vegetable pork, wild vegetable egg buns," Ye Minghao omitted the title, and said directly to Guan Chibei, "Is there any white noodles?"

  She naturally asked for food.

   Guan Chibei nodded, "Yes, I'll go and tell my mother that I will make all the remaining white noodles into buns."

   Ye Shuan said "um".

Aunt Rong wanted to hear this and she had to faint. Guan Chibei went into the city and bought five kilograms of white noodles that day, meaning that she cooked them all this time?

  Young people, young people, don't save...

  Since Ye Yanming opened his mouth, Guan Chibei went out and went hunting up the mountain.

  Standing in the woods, the yin was spreading away. Guan Chibei caught two pheasants and another plump roe deer. It was autumn, and many animals came out to find food and paste fat.

  Guan Chibei has been up the mountain for a while, and the living creatures are full of forests, every time you can get something with no effort.

   Down the mountain, the two pheasants and the butcher were replaced with pork. After Guan Chibei returned to the housekeeper to put down the pork, he went to the city with the roe deer and bought another ten kilograms of white noodles.

Aunt Rong doesn't know if he blames him for being big-handed or that he was surprised and hit the prey again. She lashed out at him, "Your wife wants to eat buns. It's necessary to make them for her, but it's okay to make a little bit of it. You don't need to make all the white flour. You really don't know how to live..."

   "Since I make it, the whole family will eat it," Guan Chibei said, "I will go hunting in the mountains when the food is gone. I brought things home so that everyone can eat it, so there is no need to save it."

Aunt Rong was startled, and then annoyed at him, but without saying anything, she took the white flour and went to the kitchen to put it.

  The housekeeper is really different from other farmers' houses. The things in the kitchen are never locked. Everyone can get them, but the sister-in-laws will not do anything.

   Although Guan Chibei bought another ten kilograms of white noodles, Aunt Rong was used to saving her life, and added some sweet potatoes to make the noodles together.

   More than an hour later, the two sister-in-laws of the housekeeper came back with a basket. They picked a lot of wild vegetables, all of which were green and green, and looked very tender.

Wash and chop the wild vegetables, chop the pork into minced meat, and beat ten full eggs. Stir it and add oil. When the pan is hot, pour the yellow egg mixture and fry it with a spatula. By then, the scent was already choking out.

  Besides the housekeeper, many villagers had been working all morning and were about to go home to eat. They sniffed their noses vigorously, and stretched their necks when they smelled this attractive scent.

   "The butler is really amazing, this is what you do, Yun Xiang..."

   "I can smell meat, there must be meat! And it's still pork!"

   has caused many people in the village to be hungry and itchy.

  The villagers said, and the scent resembled a slap in the face. Aunt Tian's expression turned gloomy again when she heard the voice.

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