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 Chapter 1 Childbirth

   Yunwu Village at the foot of the mountain, the night is as dark as ink.

  I saw the heavy clouds rolling on the sky, the clouds were so heavy that they were about to collapse, and the lightning that burst out from time to time created a terrifying aura.

  The entire mountain seems to be sunk in heavy clouds, and Yunwu Village is even more isolated and insignificant.

  The battle in the sky is really too terrifying, and in a small, slightly trembling thatched house in Yunwu Village, a few people stood shivering in fear, and there was a thin pregnant woman lying on the dirt bed.

  The pregnant woman's complexion is blue and white, she has little flesh, and she is skinny and weak when she looks at it. However, her swollen belly is surprisingly big, a huge round bulge under the thin rotten quilt, and its shape is prominent.

   "Ban...Ban, you hold on, don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes..."

  Beside the mud bed, a middle-aged woman with round hair and a round face was tearful in her eyes, her voice trembling, and she shouted to the pregnant woman on the bed.

With a "puff", the old woman among the few people suddenly knelt to the ground and cried into the sky, "Please, please, my god, you can take my old life, don't accept my daughter-in-law. Ah, and the child in her belly, please beg God to let my daughter-in-law and children stay. My son is no longer there. My daughter-in-law can't do anything. Bodhisattva manifests, Bodhisattva manifests..."

  The old woman trembled slightly, but she was crying with a hoarse voice, and her voice was sour.

   "Mother, the hot water is already burning!" Outside the ruined door, another middle-aged woman ran in. She was tall and thin, but with powerful limbs and clear eyes.

  She didn't care at all. After the rain, she was dripping with water all over her body. As soon as she came in to see the pregnant woman on the bed, she clenched a fist, "How about the six younger siblings?"

The birth of pregnant women is in a critical moment, so the distinction between men and women has been neglected, and the pregnant women on the bed are almost unable to hold on... There are signs of going, so even all the male butlers went into the thatched huts, anxious Standing by the bed at a loss.

   "Still no strength..."

  The middle-aged woman with a round face shed tears, and said with tears in sorrow: "Yuan Luo, wake up! Don't give up..."

  The butler men, feeling sad, closed their eyes unbearably.

   "God! My daughter-in-law..." The old woman cried to the ground.

  A strong breath of sorrow in the thatched cottage.

  In the midst of confusion, Ye Minghao opened his eyes and saw the completely unfamiliar thatched house in front of him. Before he could react, he felt the weakness of his body and the sharp pain of childbirth.

  There are a lot of memories pouring into her mind, but she has no time to think about it, the first time she reacts, she wants to give birth to the baby first.

  The severe pain of tearing hit Ye Chaoluo's dying body even more exhausted.

   "Hot, hot water..."

   Ye Yan opened his mouth and spit out two words vigorously.

   "Speaking!" The round-faced woman quickly said anxiously, wiped away her tears, and hurriedly stepped forward, "Yan Luo, what's wrong with you?"

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