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 Chapter 221 The Liu Family Comes to Pay New Year's Eve

  Little hands and little jio all waved vigorously, and they slammed into each other, sounding like they were applauding.

  I was so happy to hear that laughter, as if to cheer Ye Zhaohan.

  All in the house! All the housekeepers laughed at her together.

  Li Liu was so angry that Qiqiao gave birth to smoke and almost vomited blood on the spot.


  There are always so few people who don't wink, who will come to make trouble.

  Ye Yanchang also figured it out after a strange wave of yin and yang. Instead, he lost his breath, his complexion was calm, and he ate cakes there slowly.

   "What happened?" Guan Chibei came in from the outside, and when he heard that the movement was a bit loud, he glanced deeply and asked.

  The people in the village all looked at Guan Chibei, and the black-faced Li Liu was still angry. Ye Zhaoluo's sire, a man who has the right to scold her and oppose Aunt Rong, can come in.

  I don't know what will happen to the six butlers?

   "It's nothing serious," Ye Yanyun said calmly, his tone unchanged, "I had a fight, with this Aunt Li."

   emphasized Aunt Li.

   "Puff!!" Aunt Li vomited a few taels of blood in her heart.

  It's so irritating, and Ye Yanluo is so irritating. There is a series of plot connections, and Li Liu's blood will flow backwards!

  All the villagers are looking at Guan Chibei——

   Hearing Guan Chibei's black eyes was surprised, he didn't change his color much, and said faintly: "Don't get angry, do you want me to take the babies out for a walk?"

  Since going out once, several babies want to go outside to see the fresh scenery. They can't stay in the house all day, and they are asked to take them out every day.

   Ye Mingluo said: "Yes, do you want me to hold one?"

Guan Chibei walked to the kang, picked up a baby very ethically, and said to Ye Luoluo: "No, I asked Brother Fifth and Brother to hug the other two babies recently. You continue to rest in the house and follow Aunt Li quarrel."

  Aunt Li:! ! ! !

  The villagers were in a subtle uproar, their eyes changed: Wow! ! Guan Xiaoliu really loves his daughter-in-law, it seems to be true!

  And Li Liu's, more completely turned into a character who doesn't know the so-called.


  The villagers who came to pay the New Year's greetings all left, and there was a little trouble, everyone was a little embarrassed, they all said one after another, and they walked quickly.

  Li Liu's walking in the middle of a group of people, the fastest footsteps.

  Of course, what happened today has spread out in the village again.

   is destined to cause a lot of discussion in the village~

After that, some people came to visit Ye Luoluo's house one after another to see the triplets. Although some of them are unclear, most of them are kind. Seeing such beautiful triplets, everyone Can't help but feel happy, come over to tease.

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