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 Chapter 51 The boss broke out again, strong

  It was Ye Yanluo's window that was aimed at!

  In the room, Ye Zhaofan was already asleep. She didn't know that suddenly a dead mouse with a terrifying shape was thrown onto the window. Fortunately, she was confined and could not receive the wind, and the window was closed.

  And the dead rat that had already dried was thrown on the window, and there was a "bang", and the shape of the limbs of the dead rat's belly could be reflected through the layer of tarp.

  In the middle of the night, this scene is actually a bit scary.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", Aunt Tian viciously threw dead mice one by one, and then dropped them like this, the tarp was quickly pierced through, and she died for a few days. , The most frightening rancid dead mouse poured in.

   Pour it all on Ye Zhaoyun's body!

  Ye Yanzhao is still in confinement, and his body has not recovered yet. And there are three babies...

  I don't know if such a foul-smelling dead mouse was suddenly dumped on his body. Will Ye Yanfan be frightened? This dead mouse seems to have been dead for a few days, and I don't know if there is any disease. Will the newly-born babies of Ye Yanluo catch the disease and die?

  The sound of the dead mouse being thrown on the window was not too loud, but Ye Zhaoluo was thinking about how to make money for a day today. He slept a little and was not awakened.

  However, the baby was woken up first.

  On the bed, the three babies were woken up almost the same time, and the windows were "banging" one after another. Dead mice were thrown over. It was very noisy, but fortunately, several babies still couldn't see the window.

  However, the babies were woken up a while ago and became more sensitive to noise. They were woken up again this time, and the three babies were very upset.

  Among them, the eldest baby, as the older brother, took the lead in getting angry for the younger brothers.

In the room, the boss once again made a trouble, his little hand was clenched into a fist, his face was wrinkled, his expression was extremely unhappy, he flicked his hands and feet, and he accidentally hit Ye Shuming's body like a hammer. .

  The little man is weak, but full of anger.

The Yin Qi on his body suddenly exploded again, because the baby was a little bigger, and the Yin Qi was also thicker. In the state that no one saw, the dark black Yin Qi suddenly exploded from the boss. Then it swept the whole house and spread out again.

  This is the biological son of the Lord of the Underworld.

  Although people are not full moon yet, how powerful is the Yin Ming's body? How strong is the Yin Qi?

  With this outbreak, all the dogs and cats in the village stunned for a moment, and the air suddenly became cold.

   And outside, after throwing the formed dead mice, he was ready to viciously pour the rest of the disgusting and rancid mouse corpses that were pasted together into the aunt Tianzi in Ye Suosuo's house.

  As soon as she raised the basin and was about to splash it, Aunt Tian's body suddenly felt cold. For some reason, her strength was drawn, and her arms suddenly lost strength and became soft.

  The pot of dead mouse paste was raised to the top of his head, and it was all poured onto Aunt Tian's body! ! !

  Aunt Tian performed a dead mouse topping in an instant!

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