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 Chapter 61 Iron Baby was smashed to his head

   "And the Tian family only threw dead mice into my house! It is very possible that her family's baby will be destroyed!"

   However, even if it was confirmed that Aunt Tian had done something bad, they couldn't do anything without evidence, let alone question a child directly.

  So they didn't say that it was the iron baby of the Tian family for the time being.

  After talking for a while, Guan Chibei started to repair the window. The paper was indeed too thin and too easy to break. In addition, the effect of preventing cold and wind was not enough in winter.

   Guan Chibei took the money left in his hands and bought the second most expensive and most durable tarp in the city. When he came back, he simply replaced the whole family's window paper.

  This can only be done for the time being.

  In any case, it is impossible to seal the windows with wooden boards. If you want to talk about safety precautions, you can only improve the protection around the housekeeper, build high walls, and so on.

  But this is not something you can do right now.

  So I can only put it down temporarily, but arrange it in the plan.

   And Tie Wa hurriedly fled home with her head under her head. When Aunt Tian saw him, he raised his head, looking embarrassed and bloodied.

His sturdy flesh face was covered with blood, and the wound on his head was bleeding. When he was crying, he wiped it all over with his small palm. So when he got home, Aunt Tian saw his head full. blood.

   "Woo woo woo wah -!"

  Having been back home, Tiewa couldn't bear it anymore. She raised her head and cried loudly with a "wow" cry, "Pain!-mother, it hurts! It hurts me! Wow!"

   Tie Baby lay on the ground, she began to roll frantically, her face covered with tears, nose and blood.

  In addition to crying bitterly, Tie Wa was still a little bit sloppy, rolling on the ground, everything he encountered was kicked by his fleshy legs, "It hurts me! It hurts me!"

   Aunt Tian is usually impatient, but she was taken aback when she saw Tie Wa's blood covered her head, and hurried forward, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? My dear!"

  Tiewa rolled and cried for a long time, but Aunt Tian couldn't get past, and finally lowered her face and shouted, "Don't cry! Stop it!"

Although Aunt Tian loves this son in every possible way, but due to her natural personality, she is still very fierce at ordinary times. Tie Wa is also afraid of her. She was scolded and gradually stopped the rolling, rubbed her eyes and sat up.

  The hole in the head broke even more because of the rolling, and the blood has not stopped. Aunt Tian helped her baby son to take a look, and she was distressed and shocked at once. How could she hurt so badly!

  The children in the village go to play, they can't wrestle with such a big wound!

   "What did you do!" Aunt Tian hurriedly said: "Why are you hurt so badly and suffered a thousand knives, why did you go! I have to take you to the doctor again, and I have to spend money!"

  Tie Wa's head started to grow dizzy in all this crying. She cried and choked and said the reason, saying that she was going to the housekeeper to throw stones, but she was smashed to the head.

When Aunt Tian heard this, her expression darkened immediately, and her face was dark and dark, terrifying.

   Knowing the cause of Tie Baby's injury, she immediately hated Ye Zhaoming's family!

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