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Chapter 241 Something went wrong

  If Ye Yanchang was here, he would have changed his face, and indeed someone who was kidnapped by morals would appear!

   will say that there are more difficult people. Why do you take care of this more difficult person? Or why do you only take care of this difficult family, what about other families?

  Guan Chixi was halted by the villagers. He looked at the people in front of him and opened his mouth. Even though he wanted to refute something, he could not tell.

  A group of villagers looked bad, and they all stopped Guan Chixi, seeming to want him to explain.

  But of course, you can't force someone to explain it.

  After all, this is the housekeeper's own business.

   was only able to stop Guan Chixi for a moment, said speechlessly, and then all looked at him again, as if to ask him to make a statement.

   Guan Chixi is also stateless.

He held back for a while without saying anything. He was afraid that it would make the villagers more angry and affect the image of his family in the village, so he didn't say anything in the end. He just strode forward and forced to walk home. .

  The villagers did not make sense to stop.

  I can only watch Guan Chixi not answer and say nothing, and turn his head back to the housekeeper.

  The villagers were left behind, their faces still ugly, and they said ugly sarcasm towards the housekeeper.

  They morally kidnapped other widowed old people in the village. They looked so bad, but they were pantothenic and unhappy.

  Who doesn't want to get food for nothing, can someone help?

  The housekeeper helped Old Aunt Xu's family so much, they were jealous, but they couldn't get it.

   So I wanted to take advantage of the housekeeper, and use other widowed elderly people who are living in hardship to blame the housekeeper.

  There are so many villagers with such thoughts.

  The village was soon full of bad comments, condemnations and satires about the housekeeper.

  Guan Chixi entered the house, and he was relieved as if he had escaped. When he saw the wall outside, he had to say that the house was enclosed. It really gave people a sense of security, as if they were isolated from the outside world.

  He told the housekeeper what the villagers said.

   also said that he didn't know how to reply, and he was afraid that saying a wrong sentence would attract more villagers' censure, and he was also afraid that the villagers would quarrel with him outside, so he didn't say anything at all, speeded up and returned.

Ye Zhaoluo heard this, and hated iron for not making steel, and immediately educate him: "Why are you so stupid and don't refute anything, wouldn't you let those people criticize our housekeeper? Are you stupid, such excessive words? , You don't know how to scold it back? I told you, you should have said this at the time—"

"You also know that we are housekeepers. Since it is our family's business, we can take care of whoever we want, and it will be your turn to arrange us? Why do you control our family's affairs? It is so difficult for those people to help, then Do your family help yourself?"

   "Our family accidentally ran into Mrs. Xu and fainted, so I helped the Xu family. This is fate. But even the government is not qualified to ask our family to be in charge of someone. What qualifications do you have to talk about?"

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