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 Chapter 301 Ye Zhaohan agreed on the spot, "Then buy it!"

  Moreover, the conditions of this small building in Linhe are still so bad...The price of one hundred taels of silver is really no one would care about it.

  This is also one of the most important reasons why this shop has been empty for so long.

However, the tooth is also bitter, and he really didn't lie to Ye Yanluo this time. The price that the official had left six or seven years ago was still five hundred taels of silver. Xing returned the letter to the official...

  The official replied that the price was lowered. This building is really a small four-story building. The price given by the official is placed there. There is really no way they can do it.

  So, it's no wonder that this shop is here in Yahang, so it's so hot and headache.

  Ye Zhaoming said: "Buy."

  Yaren originally wanted to try his best to persuade Ye Zhaoluo, but the whole person was dumbfounded, "Huh?"

  Ye Chao said: "Find a craftsman to have a look. If there is no danger in this store and you can move around normally, then I will buy it."

  "Hey! Great! Great, guest!" The dentist was overjoyed, and replied repeatedly: "We can ask someone to show the customer! This money is paid by us, and the customer can choose the craftsman by himself."

  As long as someone is willing to buy this store! ! !

  God! ! !

  Ye Minghao said: "It's good to dare to love."

   After finishing speaking, she glanced at the small building again, and then turned around to leave.

  He is a 80% certain posture.

Although Big Brother Guan followed her, he was in charge of coming forward. It was Ye Mingluo who was in charge. He actually listened to Ye Mingluo, so although the store looks peculiar, he said to buy, but Big Brother Guan still followed him silently. Behind her, she turned around.

   Guan Chibei did not speak either, and several people turned back.

Sure enough, Yaxing invited a craftsman, and I don't know if he was too eager to make the sale. For fear that Ye Minghao would regret it, he invited the craftsman to see the store in the afternoon.

  At noon, they still had lunch in the city. They ate a seaweed shrimp wonton. It was the first time Ye Zhaoming had seaweed shrimp after coming to Yuancheng, so they enjoyed it very much.

  I also added a tea egg, which is called a satisfaction.

  After I invited the craftsman, I went to the Yuanhe River and looked around. This time I went straight in to see. Ye Yanluo walked in the small building, and he felt that his feet were strong, and the wood did not feel unstable.

  Looking at the house again, the layout of the beams and pillars is just covered in dust, but no termites and the like are seen. It is quite clean.

The craftsman took the tool, walked in and measured it around, and then said to Ye Luoluo: "It can live in, it's very strong, the pillars that enter the water are painted with tung oil, and they are waterproof like the wood of a ship on the river. Not afraid of corrosion."

  There is also the corresponding wood in the house, which is actually intact and there is no safety hazard at all.

  Especially, the craftsman also told Ye Zhaoluo that most of the wood in this building is ironwood, the hardest kind of wood, which is used in military industry and shipbuilding.

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