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Chapter 401 Such and Such Bad Karma

After   , the good doctor continued to distribute the decoction.

After a while... I saw those people who drank the soup on the spot. Suddenly one of them seemed to blush, eyes widened, breathing as if unable to breathe, covering his chest, and then suddenly "wow". I spit it out!

  This pot of soup seems to have run out of medicine, and we will see the bottom.

  The good doctor smiled faintly and said that the next pot would have to wait a little later. The people in front of him wanted to drink the soup earlier, and immediately scrambled to surround the pot.

   Fighting for good doctors to scoop the soup medicine into their bowls.

  The excitement on this side caused the people who were in the line to not notice. Those who walked away nearby, after vomiting, unexpectedly spit out foam in their mouths, and then fell to the ground.

  It was also dark because of the sky.

At first the light is dim, and I don't really see the people in the dimly. Besides, everyone's focus is on the decoction of good doctors, and at this moment, there are actually no idlers on the street outside. The people who lined up to get the soup medicine, so for a while, no one noticed the people who fell down after spitting on the foam...

  At this time, the power of the blue and black evil karma suddenly surged, and another extremely heavy blue and black rose to the sky, and the evil karma in the sky was concentrated to the highest point.

  Even the moonlight and starlight that came out were gone, and the whole sky seemed to be covered by that deep evil karma!

  The world is terribly dark!

  But because of this point, it is already night, and everyone is in the decoction, and hasn't noticed for the time being, the night tonight is darker than before!

  There seemed to be dull noises in the deep bad karma, because the bad karma was too heavy...

  Ye Minghao didn't know what happened.

  She was thinking about the baby, and what happened to Guan Chibei, she suddenly watched running out so unexpectedly, for what reason.

   And come out here to send decoctions to good doctors? What are you going to do.

She can't see the evil karma in the sky, and hasn't noticed what the good doctor is doing, but after staying with the baby and Guan Chibei for a long time, she only sensitively feels the extra depression, always feel very bad, where is the whole body I feel uncomfortable and want to rub the surface of my skin.

  A huge evil karma is being produced, and God made the little boss come here with gratitude, obviously not wanting to let the evil karma of good doctors happen, but wanting the little boss to stop this terrible darkness!

  Guan Chibei guessed what God meant, and saw the eldest baby in his arms, writhing extremely restlessly, moving very violently.

  The little boss looks very uncomfortable. The other person is too young, but he doesn't know anything. However, his white and tender face unconsciously feels very uncomfortable.

  There was even a hint of anger.

  His exquisite little face also unconsciously showed a trace of condensed face, which made him look a little majestic.

  The evil karma is too strong, it has covered the eyes of heaven and earth, and heaven is unwilling, so...

   Inspired the little boss to come to exercise the judge's accusation!

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