Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Between Life and Weather 

Part II

I was satisfied with my query. In any case, a psychologist was not as scary or authoritarian, not as I thought.

That week, I felt better. I could sleep and eat something, even if the hospital food was not as appetizing. I could not even get out of bed and still I had to keep taking whey because I had spent a month in a coma and had been very weak. In any event, I felt good, despite being in a hospital.

- Syd? - Rick's voice sounded by my ears. I looked quickly to the door and saw him shy, as always. - Can I come in?

- I still do not understand why asking for you to stand it. You are no stranger to me. - I laughed. - Between.

- I know you know me more than it should... - He stood next to my bed. - But I just came to see if you're okay.

- Yes, much better. - I replied. - And you?

- A little happier since I found out that you will not die now. - He smiled. - David was here.

- He came to see me? - I whispered.

- He was the one who brought you here. - Rick glanced nervously at his hands. - He cried for his cause.

I looked down at once. Was it I who was wrong? David was a good person who just wanted my forgiveness? I think it was I who should be ashamed for everything. I had to forgive him for something? Or was he who had to forgive myself?

- You know... Every day, after you left the band... Between one song and another that we would record... I wondered you enter through the door of the studio and say he'd be back for us. - He said. - I know it sounds stupid, but I always dreamed of this... I just wanted to have you back.

I stood and amazed at what I had just heard. Rick was a man of few words, but he always knew what to say. And that, right now, my heart could not take another one of these on the same day. I looked at him. There was a man by my side, ready to cry and I realized that though Rick has to be a man, he was still a scared little boy afraid of losing your friend.

- Rick... - I said.

- I still have it. - He showed me the red cord tied on the wrist. - Do not disappoint me again, because if you do, it will be the last.

He looked down and then at me. I stayed up words because none of them coming from me would be of value. - I'll let you rest. - He said softly. Rick walked out of the room and left me alone and full of guilt. I had no objection against it. I covered my face with my hands and I was crying silently.

- What happened? - I heard Alice talking in the hallway, but I did not hear the reply Rick. She soon entered the room confused.

- Keith? - She asked quietly. - Why Rick is crying...? Why do you...?

I felt his hands pulling my hands from my face. I looked directly into his blue eyes for so many years gave me comfort and calm. My face was wet with tears, I do not want her to see me like that.

- What happened? - She asked softly.

- Why do you think something happened... - I said almost in a whisper.

- Because you're both crying. - She said.

- I was just thrilled to remember the past... And now to see Rick.

- You know he cares a lot about you. - She explained. - And all that you two have is an insoluble bond that is more complex than you think.

- When will I get out? - I asked softly.

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