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After Vic walked me to my next class, that I had with Tony. I walked to the teacher and told everything she needed to know. I took a seat all the way in the back of the class, next to the window. Caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice somebody sit next to me. Then tapping my shoulder brought me to their presence.

Looked over to see who it was. Tony.

"Hey. Didn't know you were in this class."

"Yeah. I'm actually in the next class with you too."

"Great.Wait? How do you know my schedule. I didn't take you for the stalker type." Tony said, playfully.

"Well Vic told me what your classes were. So if anything. He's a stalker." I said, giggling.

After our chat, the class started to fill in with teens. Everyone took a seat. Some carried on talking with their friends, sleeping, and taking notes. But that was only me and Tony. Until some kid had the nerve to turn around and talk to Tony as if he was a nobody.

"Hey, nerd. You got my homework done?"

"Oh, uh yeah here." Tony said, hesitantly.

When Tony pulled the paper out of his bag to hand it to the boy, I snatched it out of his hand. They both looked at me with shock expressions.

"What the hell? What's your problem? Give me the paper." Said the boy.

"No. You're good. Maybe you should start doing you own work. Not be disrespectful to Tony, and use him to get your work done. Because as long as I'm in this class, and around him, you won't be doing it anymore."

Fucking bullies make me sick.

"Who do you think you are? Coming in here, trying to control me."

"I'm the one setting you straight. I don't like how you were treating my friend and I will make sure it doesn't happen, when I around. So if you would so kindly fuck off. We're trying to listen to the teacher. Thanks." I smirked.

The boy looked shocked, but that shock turned into a smile.

"The name's Andy. Andy Beirsack. I like you."

"I don't -" I was cut off by the teacher.

"Andy. Please turn around and stop talking. You need to pay attention. And do you have your homework? Cause I don't have it."

"No." Andy muttered. "No. I don't have any work, to turn in."

"Well that's too bad. Oh and it's has slipped my mind. Class we have a new student. Her name is Bianca Beauellie. A transfer from France. Please treat her nicely." I kind of zoned out the rest of what she was saying.

"Bianca. Why'd you do that?" Tony asked, quietly. I couldn't help but notice how child like his face was. Not that it was a problem. He looked good that way.

"Because my friend was being bullied. You seemed troubled. I didn't like what I saw. Nobody stood up for me. But I'm going to stand up for you. No matter what happens. Okay? You can't just let people walk over you."

"I know. I'm just shy." He said, looking down shyly.

"I know you are. It's okay to be shy. It's really cute too."

"W-what?" Tony asked, flustered.

"Being shy makes you cute. Tony the Turtle." I giggled, at his reaction.

When I called him that, he was blushing out of control. He put his head down out of embarrassment. I went to pinch his cheeks and cooed, at him, playfully.

"Okay, love birds, that's enough." The teacher said. Catching our attention.

"No, we're not together."

"We're just friends." Tony and I said at the same time.

"Yes. That's what they all say." The class went into a fit of laughter when she said that. Both me and Tony blushing out of embarrassment. I hate when teachers, call you out like that.

When the laughing died down, I looked over to Tony and he looked at me. He sent a heart warming smile, that I couldn't resist sending back. I had to say, his smile was contagious. It made me feel warm on the inside.

The bell rung, signalling for us to go to the next class. While walking next to Tony, it's was silent. A comfortable silence. But I was too caught up in my thoughts to know what was was going on around me.

What is this feeling? I can't like him can I? I feel the same when I'm around Vic and Jaime. I haven't been around Mike to see if he made me feel the same as the others did. Huh?! What an I'm doing here? This can't be happening. I'm just troubled.

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