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Vic's P.O.V

I walked as fast as I could to Bianca's. This can't be true. I thought we had something special. But a girl as beautiful as her could play with a guys heart when ever she wanted. And that's exactly what she is doing. Playing with my heart. Yet she picks Mike of all people.

Before I know it, I'm in front of Bianca's house. Standing at her door.
Knocking furiously.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

She opened the door, after I waited for a while, looking as beautiful as ever. Than my eyes traveled to her neck and I saw the hickey hiding behind her hair. My life just literally shattered. My heart is a pile of dust laying inside of my chest.

"Bianca. Why did you do that with Mike? I thought you and I had something different. I told you I loved you and you said it back. Yet, here you are fucking my brother. Even after he lied and said you guys fucked. So let me guess you two been messing around with each other for a while. You are such a WHORE!"

I realized that I called Bianca a whore. What have I done? She started to cry and slowly back up. She ended up tripping over her feet, but I caught her before she fell. She just sobbed in my arms.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I swear. Please forgive me."

"I hate you." She said, repeating it over and over again.

"No. No you don't. I'm sorry."

"You didn't even let me explain. Mike and I never fucked each other. Not once. He kissed me. I ran home. He followed. He kissed me. I kissed back and realized it was wrong. I told him to leave and he started to cry. Then he left. So sorry that I am a WHORE! SORRY THAT YOU DON TRUST ME! SORRY THAT I EVEN HAD THE SLIGHTEST CRUSH ON YOU! SORRY THAT I EVEN KNOW YOU!"



"I am sorry."

"Leave. I don't want to see you ever again."

"Please. I love you. " I whimpered.


I can't believe that I just ruined the best thing in my world. I turned around and stumbled out of her house. Her life. I'm going to kill Mike. Since he can't have her. Then no one else can. This is a 'Disaster'.

Without You There Is No Me.

Without Bianca There Is No Vic.

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