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By the time we all got to school we were fifteen minutes late. Which means that we'll defiantly have detention after school. We walked into the front office, to get our tardy notes.

"Hmm. Well you all are really late, so you have to wait out here and talk to the principal." The attendant said.

So that's what we did. Wait. Until Mr.Royal, our principal, came out his office, signalling for us to join him in his office.

"Why are you all late?" He asked, with a scowl on his face.

"Well, we usually walk to school together, but we woke up late and by the time we were coming in the building, it was like way past school time." Jaime explained, smiling like an idiot.

"Oh well, you all have detentions. No if, and, or buts." This caused Mike and Jaime to laugh at the but part.

"Is there something funny?" Mr. Royal asked.

"You said butts." Jaime giggled, causing us all to laugh.

"That's another detention for you all."

Well that's not so funny.

I just started this school year and I have two detentions. Great.

"Um, Mr.Royal?" Vic asked.


"Well, Mike and I can't serve our detentions."

"Why not?"

"We have doctor appointments, so we're leaving early."

"Also," Jaime chimed in," I can't serve mines either, because I have a eye appointment. I'm basically blind."

"Well then Mr. Perry and Ms. Beauellie. I guess you two will be the only one in detention. Now all of you get out. I'm a busy man."

We left his office going to class. I was pissed. How would they just leave me at school like this? At least I have my turtle, Tony.

"Bianca, you okay?" Vic asked.

"Vic I am not okay. Why didn't you all tell me that you were going to leave early? Now Tony and I will be all alone."

"Sorry." Jaime, Vic and Mike said, in sync. Both Vic and Mike with puppy dog eyes and Jaime at my feet hugging my legs.

"No. Sorry is not enough. You three have to make this up to me."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Mike asked.

"That is for you to know and me to find out," I said, grabbing Tony hand. "Come on turtle."

Tony was a laughing mess. I turned to see Jaime on his knees, screaming 'no' all dramatically and Vic fake crying in Mike's arms. I couldn't help but feel happy at the sight.

Tony walked me to class, though I told him he didn't need to. When I walked in Vic and Jaime were already in their seats, weird.

I sat down and their eyes followed my every move. I acted as if I didn't notice them. Who am I kidding. I can't stay mad at them. That's like trying to be mad at bunnies. Impossible.

I felt a piece of paper hit the side of my head. I was pissed and was going to go on a rampage, until I looked up to see Vic mouthing 'sorry'. I unball the paper and it read:

Umm sorry my little bunny rabbit. How about when you're coming home from school there will be a big surprise waiting for you? Then you won't be so mad at me. I don't care if you're mad at Mike and Jaime. Just saying, anyway I'll see you at lunch.

- Love, Victor F. <3

I laughed at the name he gave me and the fact he used his whole first name. I looked up to see Vic still smiling and staring at me. I gave him the thumbs up and he did a fist bump drawing attention of the class and teacher. He's such a dork. It's cute.

It was fifth period and Mike was still here, surprisingly, but he would be leaving soon and on que he was called for early dismissal. Before he left he put a note on my desk. He sent me a wink and went his way. I unfolded the paper and it read:

Dear Bianca,

I am sorry that you have to stay for detention with only Tony, but you won't have to stay mad at me for too long, because when you get home from school you're going to be the happiest girl on this earth. I can't tell you everything but just know you'll love me 10x more. See ya later Bunny.

- Love Michael Fuentes.

P.s. It has something to do with bunnies. Ha.

Wow. This is so funny and cute. He even wrote his first name. Now that I know half of my apology deals with bunnies I'm curious. I just hope this day goes by really fast. I'm so excited and I'm pretty sure I have a grin on my face. I can't stay mad at them,only because they're the ones who make me the happiest. And they apologized, except for Jaime, but I know he has something up his sleeve.

Is this how true friendships feel? If so, then I have the best friendship.

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