I Like 'Em Funny

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Jamie's P.O.V.

I was currently hungry so i went to Los Tacos. My favorite restaurant might I add. I walked in to see that it was slight filled with customers, but I'd wait as long as I have to for my food.

This is taking forever and I'm just sitting here 'patiently' waiting for my turn.


I take my place and order my food, which was pretty much almost everything. Once I was done and got my food on a tray, I took my seat at a isolated table. I began to eat and scroll through my phone.

As I was eating, peacefully, I was interrupted by a girl, and a pretty girl as I would put it.

"Is this seat taken?" Said she.

"No. You can sit."


When she sat down she put down her food, which was a lot.

"That's a lot of food for a little lady. Don't you think?"

"Well. Girls gotta eat. Right?"


"I'm Jessica, by the way and you are?"

"Jaime. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meat you too. Ha. Get it meat as in what you eat, anyway. So do you come here often or what?"

"Yeah, that's pretty funny. Yeah, I come all the time. How about you? I don't see you here often."

"Just moved here about a week or two."


"Yeah. Uh do you like jokes?"


"Sure who doesn't?"

"So you wouldn't mind me telling a joke?"

"Go ahead. Show me what you got."

"Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?"

"Cause he has no friends?" I answered, more like asked. I was unsure.

"No. Cause he didn't have no body to go with. Haha. Get body. He's all bones?"

"Okay. Let me have a go."

"Alright, ladies first."

"Hey. You went first. So that makes you a lady. You're a lady right?"

"Yes. I'm all woman."

"Good. I was scared your were a pretty handsome lady. Ha. Get pretty handsome."

"Fine that was pretty funny." Jessica said with an eye roll.

And that's how our day went by. Telling jokes and eating our food. It started to get late so I walked her home and I got her number.

Who's the man? And has two thumbs?

This guy.

I like this Jessica girl. I think we can be friends or more than that. And she's really funny.
I like funny girls.

I Like 'Em Funny.

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