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Jamie's P.O.V.

I was currently at Mike and Vic's house sitting on the couch staring off into space, while they, along with Tony, were upstairs in the bathroom cleaning Mike up as best as they could. That guy did a real number on him.

Today's events replayed in my head. The fight. Bianca's friend.

Bianca's friend, Jackson.

That Jackson dude seems familiar. I've heard his name before. I think that Bianca told me about this guy.

But when did she tell me about him? I went upstairs and just sat in Vic's room. I continued to think about this character until I remembered.

Jackson is Bianca's gay guy friend. Or supposedly. That can't be right. So that's who clothes she gave us. Wasn't he supposed to be in France?

I ran to the bathroom and seen they guys cleaning up the blood and tissues and rags.



"That Jackson dude. I know him."

"How in the hell do you know him. Why do you know him?" Mike growled.

"Well I don't know him, but Bianca told me the day we spent a night at her house. The very first day. And she gave us guys clothes. Those were his clothes. And get this. She told me he lived in France and that he was her gay guy friend or some shit like that. So she lied. I think she was with that guy. Like in a relationship." I rambled, slight out of breath.

"What the actual fuck. So you're telling me I was wearing Bianca's ex clothes?" Vic said, mumbling under his breath.

"We all were." Tony whispered.

"I can't believe this happened. We all fell for her and she just spit in our faces. Ruined our lives. Ruined our friendship."

"What do you mean, 'Ruin our friendship'?"

"To be honest. I became really jealous of you all. Seeing Bianca spend more time with you all. And I just didn't it like it. Vic, you and I had an argument about Bianca. Tony we just aren't as close as we are before. And Mike, we haven't cracked a single joke in weeks. So I had to do something."

"Jaime. What did you do?"

I looked down into my hands and really hesitated to tell them the truth. This is a memory lane I didn't want to go back down. I regret every second of it.

"Please forgive me." I whispered.

"Jaime! What the hell did you do?!" Tony yelled, shocking me.

I hope they don't hate me.

"I started this. . ."

"This what?" Vic asked, almost in whispers.

"This disaster."


Okay guys, I want to thank my readers for encouraging me to continue this story.
And please don't hate me but this story is coming to an end.
But. . . . . I am thinking of making a sequal.
What do you think?❤..

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