Sleep Over

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I woke up to see that I was on my bed with Vic holding me, while he still slept. He so looked cute. His brown hair covering his face slightly and his mouth parted. I looked behind me to see that Tony and Mike are cuddling with the stuff animals I gave them. But where was Jaime?

I got out the bed, slowly not wanting to wake up the boys and went to my balcony to see that Jaime is just sitting there, staring off into space.

"Jaime." I called, tapping his shoulder.

"Oh. Bianca you scared me. I thought you were sleep. What's up?"

"I could ask you the same. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Just thinking."


"Life." He said, in a monotone voice. I knew he was lying. But I didn't want to push him if he didn't want to talk about it. So I sat down next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. I felt him tense up, but soon relaxed.

We sat there in a comfortable silence, watching the sun set slowly. It was a pretty site to look at. It calmed me.

"Thank you." I said, breaking the silence.

"What?" Jaime was confused.

"I said 'thank you'."


"Being there for me today. It was my first day of school and it went down hill. Then I started to cry. Most guys would run away and think I was being over sensitive, but no. You stayed, with the others and comforted me. I haven't felt like this for a while. Happy. But thank you."

"No problem. What are best friends for?"

I just shrugged my shoulders. I don't think that question was meant to be answered.

"So. Are you going back home? Or staying?"

"I'd go back home if you want. I don't want to be a burden on you."

"No stay, with me. I have some comfortable clothes you can change into, if you want."

"Yeah. Sounds good. Thanks."

We got up and went back to my room to see the guys still sleeping. I walked into my closet and started to search for some boy clothes I had.

"Why do you have guys clothes? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well I usually wear guys clothes and some are from my friend Jackson."

"Is he your ex-boyfriend?"

"Heavens NO. He is a 'gay' guy. One of my best friends." Every girl needs a 'gay' guy friend."But he left his stuff at my house so I kept it."

"Oh. Okay." Jaime sighed, which sounded of relief. Which was a bit odd.

"Do you want to shower or..."

"Yeah. Where is it?"

"Guest room down the hall to the left."

"Okay. Thanks see you later."

And he walked out the room, shutting the door loudly, which I think was an accident. But it woke up the others. Vic being the one to speak first.

"Where is Jaime?"

"In the shower."

"Why?" Mike asked, curiosity written all over his face.

"He said he was going to spend the night, and I let him."

"Oh." Then it went quite. It was awkward.

"You guys can stay too."

"Are you sure?" Vic asked, " Won't your mom say something if she saw four guys laying in bed with you. Let along the same room."

"No, because she trust me not to be stupid and make the wrong decision."

"Oh well. Yeah we could stay. But we don't have any clothes with us." Tony said, rubbing his knuckles, nervously.

"I have some clothes for you to wear."

"Guy clothes right?" Mike asked, chuckling.

"Yes. Guys clothes." I giggled.

I went back to my closet in search of more clothes for the guys. Finding more black baggy sweat pants and a blue, orange, and green muscle shirts. The same outfit I gave Jaime. I tossed them the clothes and they thanked me.

"Do you guys want to shower?" I asked, trying to be nice.

"Yeah. But where?" Tony asked.

"Well Jaime is in the guest room and I have another guest room that one of you could use now and then one of you could use the other when Jaime comes back."

"I call dibs on the second bathroom." Mike said running out the room, but coming back in when he knew he didn't know where he was going." Okay, first. Where is the room?"

"Down the hall to the right." I said, giggling at his cuteness.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Before I knew it they all were back in my room, looking pretty good in the clothes I handed to them. I also already took my shower, to get it out the way. I put on a black muscle shirt and royal blue shorts.

"So. Where would we sleep?" Jaime asked.

"With me. I have a extra big king size bed. Big enough for you and you and you and you and me." I said, pointing at each and every one of them.

"You are too kind." Vic said.

"Only for my best friends." I said, grabbing my stuffed bunny and laying down in the middle of my bed.

"So." Mike said, playing with his fingers." Is this our first sleep over?" His voice turning girly and high pitched instantly.

"Totes. Like why wouldn't it be?" Jaime said, in a dramatic girly voice.

"Yeah and let's paint our nails." Vic chimed in.

"No thank you." Tony laughed. They were the only people I know that can make me laugh like this. I just had to join in on the laughter.

"You guys are silly." I giggled, my laughter dying down.

"Well IN all honesty. I am sleepy." Vic said, yawning.

"Me too." We all chimed in.

"Good night." I said, slowly letting the darkness engulf me once again.

"Good night, Bianca." They said in sync.

This day just couldn't get better.

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