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"Ok, don't touch equipment if I don't need it; don't mix up the Wafflebot part organization; and don't help if you don't ask me to. Anything else I should know?" (C/F) Cookie glances around the Hangar, which Strawberry Crepe Cookie had just thoroughly explained the organization of. It was the morning after and they were somewhat exhausted after traveling all the day before and then not being allowed to sleep until the kid cleared a spot for them.

"That should be everything." Strawberry Crepe Cookie looks around as well. "Let's fix that the Goliath before—"

"Strawberry Crepe Cookie!" A chorus of excited children's voices shouts.

"Oh no." They sigh, turning to the doors in annoyance.


"It's them. They're here to play with the Goliath." Strawberry Crepe Cookie sighs. "Just... I'll go buy us enough time to fix it. It shouldn't take that long."

"Ok, great." (C/F) Cookie shrugs, heading over to where the Goliath is. They can hear Strawberry Crepe Cookie's annoyed yelling from across the lab as they start looking over the half melted machine.

"No! It's not ready! Go do whatever else you do!" This is then followed by a chorus of disappointment.

"What are we trying to get this thing to do?" (C/F) Cookie yells, locating the blueprint for it on a table.

It's not Strawberry Crepe Cookie who answers, but a bunch of excited children's voices, "Hide and seek!"

"Oh." They shrug. Simple enough. They'd just need to... "Ok, it should be fixed now!" They yell as it whirs to life.

"What? That quickly?" Strawberry Crepe Cookie is accompanied by all the local children as they hurry to the back.

"Yeah. You already built it, so all I did was a touch up job, with a few tricks to try and prevent it from melting." (C/F) Cookie says as the kids and Goliath run out of the lab.


"Anything else need fixing?"

"Maybe you could help me get this working." Strawberry Crepe Cookie guides them over to what looks like a smaller version of the Goliath, with large strawberry ears.

"Looks simple enough." They look it up and down.

"I got it working for a second, then it broke again." The kid sighs.

"Well let's take a closer look."

Working on this was rather mindless for (C/F) Cookie, engineering always had been, so they didn't mind when the smaller Cookie started asking questions.

"How did you learn how to work with machines, (C/F) Cookie?" Strawberry Crepe Cookie asks.

"Only thing you could do to make money if you didn't want to work in a restaurant, at least where I'm from. I'm the only person who actually seemed to want to think while on the job, so I did everything everyone else was too lazy to do."

"Why come here then? Sounds like you were doing pretty great there."

"Didn't like the place." They confess, "Too many annoying idiots."

"I'm certain there's more to it than that!! Why come HERE of all places if that's what you hated about there?" The kid laughs.

"...You'd make fun of me for it." (C/F) Cookie shakes their head.

"It can't be that dumb." A crepe arm pulls them away from the machine, "Come on! Tell me!"

"...I wanted to study magic." They confess.

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